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[LE] Setstage trigger not firing


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This feels like a really stupid question, but I'm a little stuck at the moment.

Using a defaultsetstagetriggerplayeronly to set a stage in a quest line.


Selected the right quest.

Used the prereq stage for 80

And setstage for 81


But when I enter the trigger it doesn't fire. I can manually set the stage with a console command and that works. So not sure what the problem is. I'm not using the trigger box as an alias at the moment. So that shouldn't be an issue.

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Trigger name: defaultSetStageTRIGPlayerOnly from vanilla triggers.

scriptname defaultSetStageTrigSCRIPT extends objectReference

{ this is a generic script for one-shot quest stage updates}

import game

import debug

quest property myQuest auto

{ quest to call SetStage on}

int property stage auto

{ stage to set}

bool property doOnce = True auto

{Set the stage only once.}

int property prereqStageOPT = -1 auto

{ OPTIONAL: stage that must be set for this trigger to fire }

bool property disableWhenDone = true auto

{ disable myself after I've been triggered. Defaults to true }

auto STATE waitingForPlayer

EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef)

if triggerRef == getPlayer() as actor

; check to see if a pre-req stage was specificed and if it's been met

if prereqStageOPT == -1 || MyQuest.getStageDone(prereqStageOPT) == 1

; Start the quest just in case it isn't already running.

if myQuest.isRunning() == FALSE

bool check = myQuest.start()

; do a quick check in case the quest could not be started

if !check

; debug.trace("ERROR: "+myQuest+" not started by "+self)



; do the actual business of setting the stage we want


if doOnce



if disableWhenDone







STATE hasBeenTriggered

; this is an empty state.

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