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Attack animation delay


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I need to click mouse button like 4-5 times before actually seeing an attack animation. In reality my character is all the time attacking, I can hear his groans and I do damage, but simply attack animation isnt displayed.


I heard some people having similar problems. I'm using some animation replacers and skeleton replacer mods, but I've always used them and everything was fine when I was playing Skyrim last time like year ago.


Could it be newer patches issue? or mods? animations, behaviour files? I'm using FNIS but clicking it regularly.


Any tips are welcome.

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Have you checked your mouse? Also, have you disabled all unnecessary background processes/services/applications?)

You might also check your papyrus log to see what scripts are running when you press the attack button--if your game were looking for a non-existing animation (perhaps accidentally removed or overwritten) then that could cause a lag.


BTW, multiple pressing is probably just slowing down the process more, unless you are having a mouse problem.

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Its not mouse problem for sure, because I do attack after each click, just animation isnt displayed.


Found vid of some guy having similar problem, but with enemies -


Enemy is attacking him several times without using animation at all.


He says its 1,8 bug, but I dont believe since else everyone would be screaming around.


More ideas?

Edited by z4xx
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