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The Forlorn Lands


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Tired of Tamriel? Spent too many hours in the boring land of Skyrim?


This mod is a new land with new dungeons, new enemies, and new gameplay features.


The Forlorn Lands is a hybrid between a sandbox adventure game and Chapter based game.


Caves, forts, and dungeons artistically crafted to achieve unique atmospheres i.e. horror dungeons, unforgiving badlands and more!


New storyline containing nordic styles, motifs, and a believable story!


Customizable Fort - including sieges and Aimable Catapults!


Nordic names!


New spells such as Meteor strike and Singularity!


-How can I help?

Send me a message!


(Anyone how I can upload big [6027KB] screenshots?)

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I could do a little voice acting, race would depend on what was needed, as I have a fair range of voices and accents that I've worked on over the years (I have a knack for storytelling)...I'd just have to get a better mic


EDIT: I posted in another thread that VA -may- be a problem due to my having parrots, but I think I could work around it.

Edited by AlduinWorldEater
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Bahahah, that's awesome. Since this a more realistic mod, Ill need more guys than girls (women were treated as possesions and didn't talk much) Send me some of your stuff.


I need a 3d modeler (including 2d uvw maps), someone to help me with the storyline/lore (couple speed bumps), and a minion (to help me decorate the world space).

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I'm decently familiar with the C.K. and could do bug fixing and testing.


I've also written a lot my whole life and have been trying to find a more mainstream publisher for a short mystery novel I've completed. I'm guessing you have some main quest you'd like to keep your own but I'd be willing to chip in with sub-plots and the storylines for minor quests if you like.


Just tell me what kind of storyline your looking for, its parameters (length? comedic? serious? etc) and I'll send you what I guess would be a Skyrim story-script.


It be interesting to write something that fits within the confines game engine.


I think your best option atm is to worry more about the tech stuff first and flesh out the details later. It seems lots of these epic new land/ new story mods start out with a lot of creative steam but burn out latter due to sheer amount of work and hours I imagine they require on the computer-skills end of the spectrum.


IMO, A really cool way to do a new land mod would to release the finished land with nothing more than dungeons/radiant quests. Let players enjoy a fully realized land and brand new scenery while they can flesh out the bugs. Next, start releasing Dawnguard style quest lines to fill up the world space.


One problem I had with wrysmooth is this sense of incompleteness. or that they had it backwards. They made a generally well put together storyline but as I traveled their newly created island I couldn't help but feel how empty it was.

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