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i told serana that we better should split ways buth now i need her for a quest at the castle and she doesn't show up. Is there a way to locate her . I found a consolecode 03002B6C buth how do you use that; Any help please? Thx

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is that code the ref id or base id? cos if it's the base id then it won't be much use I don't think but if you have her ref idea the open the console and type "PRID 03002b6c" then press enter (note if thise is her base id then nothing will happen at this point, if it's her ref id then it will appear at the top of your console screen). Now type "moveto player" and press enter again and she should appear next to you.


Alternatively you could search every inch of castle volkihar (if you're working for the vamps) and every inch of fort dawguard (if working for the slayers)

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Serana's ref ID is xx002b74 (DLC code is 02 generally unless you bought/installed hearthfire or DB first) and please DO NOT use placeatme. That will spawn a second copy of her, you do not want that. You want the regular copy moved to you.


open console

prid 02002b74

press enter

moveto player

press enter.

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