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Non Mutated Creature Replacers?


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I know that the Fallout lore has always been based on 1950s sci-fi and the comical, yet ridiculous ignorance surrounding the effects of radiation from around that time period, but I've always kind of felt that the dust-bowl environment and the mutated creatures of the wasteland make no sense with regards to people trying to eke out a life or rebuild something resembling civilisation.

From Fallout 3 onwards I've always used mods that add greenery back to the wastes, but I was wondering, wouldn't it be easy (for a modder at least) to create a replacer that adds bears (instead of Yao Guai,) deer (instead of radstags) and wolves/dogs instead of mutated hounds? Not sure anything would replace the bloatfly as I'm not aware of any flying creature in real life that fires projectiles lol. Actually the molerats and the bloodbugs would be difficult to implement too because of their ability to burrow like the alien from Tremors, but I do think it would be nice to see something akin to Betty's Animal Planet mod for Oblivion in the Fallout universe as I think it would compliment the plethora of "realistic" survival mods that are out there.

I have looked many times and have never found anything like this so apologies if someone has already done it, but I do think this would be a great mod that could totally change the feel of the game for replayablilty.

Betty's Animal Planet mod for reference: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46420/?

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  • 4 years later...

I want this too.  There should be some real world animals and also some mutated.  Just like there are human npcs and ghouls.  I find it hard to believe that 100% of the wildlife mutated but not the vegetation.  The over exaggeration of mutated creatures makes this game feel too fantasy like, like Skyrim.

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Life Finds a Way puts many critters and plants back into the ecosystem. Most all of them are mutated over the last 210 years, but a good chunk of it is due more to adapting to new niches in the ecosystem than just radioactivity. As I mourned way back before reforestation mods became widely available and updated, it's hardly like all the greenery around Chernobyl died. (Hell, the main reason the Bathysphere's F4 lore has the Institute obsessed with the idea that surface civilization is doomed was to explain them never trying to repopulate the wasteland with unmutated creatures)

I love Fallout 4 as much as anyone but all the non-"antique" globes being the same model (blown off its axis, never mind it not having fallen over or even being in a Vault)... It is very clear we got handed a toolbox with a great many missing tools.

For environs, there are a few options like Boston Natural Surroundings or A Forest. Find something that fits into how you think life would settle back down to as the world recovered from the War.

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