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[LE] Script for oncontainerchangedto


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Is there a vanilla script to set a quest stage for an object changing container?


I found this on the CK website but couldn't find anything like it in the CK itself. I need to use this multiple times for a multiple item fetch quest. So the script needs to give an option to set a quest stage similar to a trigger box.


Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
if akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()
Debug.Trace("I just got put in the player's inventory!")

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I'm not sure if there's a vanilla script, but you can always write your own. It would look like this:


Scriptname PlayerAddItemSetStageScript extends ObjectReference 

Quest Property MyQuest auto 
Int Property Stage Auto 

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
    If akNewContainer as Actor 
        If (akNewContainer as Actor) == Game.GetPlayer()

You can set the quest and stage in the CK. Name the script something more unique.

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There is the stock script called: defaultSetStageOnPlayerAcquireItem

This may do what you want. The code is as follows:



Scriptname defaultSetStageOnPlayerAcquireItem extends ObjectReference  
{Sets a quest stage when this item is put in the player's inventory.}

Quest Property myQST auto
{Quest upon which to set stage. Default is the Alias's owning quest.}
int Property preReqStage = -1 auto
{(Optional)Stage that must be set for this script to run. Default: NONE}
int Property StageToSet auto
{Set this stage when the player picks up this item.}
auto State waiting    
    Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
        if (Game.GetPlayer() == akNewContainer)
            if ( (preReqStage == -1) || (myQST.GetStageDone(preReqStage) == True) )

State inactive

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