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1 - my first question is why does everyone hate Fargoth? Im NOT saying i like him, far from it... im sort of early on in the game, L5 :( and my only encounter with him is the ring and the money, does something happen later on in the game, or do people just generally hate him (which i totally understand btw :D)


2 - weeeeeell, this is more asking for tips really..., im in one of those caverns (near Pelagiad) where outlaws etc are, and there is one guy i just cant kill, because he has this big*** axe - all he has to do is hit me with it once or twice and im dead?! all i have is a puny short sword, i stun him for ten seconds, hack at him like mad, realise i dont have enough time to kill him, then run like hell... and end up running into a wall etc :huh:

I sed earlier i ws level 5, is it just that im on too low a level to take him on or what?


3 - My last question is how can you get a constant amount of money coming in?? i do the quests etc and get a measly 100 coins for it... some people have millions (or thousands in any case) how?? i dont mind not having millions, but i feel poor... lol


one last thing, the block skill, its tres annoying - i cant seem to get it to rise much, i fight with a sheild, sword etc, and my armour and weapons skills increase, but the block skill doesnt go very far when i fight with a shield? does it just take ages to go up a level etc?

Sorry, one MORE last thing, when a skill gets to 100 (am i right i thinking you cant go higher than that :huh: ...) whats the point in trying to raise its governing attribute? if all skills govorned by a partic attribute are at 100, whats the point in raising it? (the G attribute?) or do you still get better?


sorry for all the writing and stuff... kate

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everyone hates Fargoth because he is a angel, i also only talked to him at the start, but there is a quest in Seyda neen where there is a nord saying that forgoth stole his money, if you confront him or get him caught he becomes a right arsehole. the nord you encountered in the cave near pelgiad is killing you because your level is to low, just get some training in then give it another go. People on this forum have been playing for a long time and so their money has gathered over a long time, if you find any magical artefacts just sell them. you might find that no one has any money to buy fancy magic of you, if this is the case there is a talking mudcrab on the islands east/northeast of vivec who has a large amount of money( he is just south of a daedric ruinalso). If mudcrad also runs out of money just wait 24 hours and he gets it all back.( if you cant be bothered finding him look in the downloads section on this site for a mod called door to mudcrab or something). Finally, i personally believe the block skill is a waste of time and effort, so i take a double handed weapon.


hope that help.

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lol the way u raise it over 100 i think is by using a fortify attribute spell at a trainer then he will raise any skill with the fortified attribute as its governing attribute above 100. its a bit of a cheat tho and will most likely ruin the game as ur power gets very unbalanced above 100, so i suggest against using it :P


also if ur concerned that there is a limit 2 ur cash flow in game i used 2 think that too but there isnt. u can go thru a dungeon, kill everything, dispose of their corpses, exit and enter again and they'll all have respawned. personally the majority of my wealth i've gotten from looting monsters (u'll get to fight tougher stuff as u level up that has some amazing loot) and when u've depleted any merchant's gold supply just wait/rest for 24 hours (by pressing T) and it'll all return. ^_^

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yay! i love this game! problems is the monsters sorta scare me... lol, the creepy music and the setting etc, especially with those creepy ruins!? i suppose ill just have to stop being a wimp *shudders*


but thankyou anyway!!!!!



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lol yeah the monsters and ruins and all that creeped me out at first as well. i find having the sound up so u can hear when the music changes so u know if something is coming after u also having the light turned right up helps to lower the spookiness a bit :P
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