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Werewolf timer mod idea: 1 hour limit, any feeding adds 1 hour


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Basicly make it so that u only need to 'wait' 1 hour regardless of how often you have fed. As it is I have to 'usually' wait 24 hours (or more) to transform back to a human. Idea is simple: just make each feeding give one hour to the transform timer, but make the limit one hour (gametime)


(I'm not sure if its possible or not, but always thought it needed doing)


Other idea which I do not think is possible without serious game changing, allow 'playing' as a werewolf, as in u do not transform abck to human, and npc's react to you as if u were a 'beast' (Yet not make every and all human become foolhardy morons who suicide against you lol) Basiclly a 'lesser' werewolf with some restrictions but not as restrictive as it is normally.

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