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Can't save game - Save folder Read Only


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So I chatted with my nephew and his son (who built this computer) and they said it appears to give full permissions as the default settings unless an administrator other than yourself is involved. So, as anjenthedog said, this is something of a red herring. Something like a "I say Read Only, but I don't really mean it" type of thing. My nephew had the same settings on his computer, as well.


I guess we are back to mod interference, then. Which is weird, because these mods worked in this load list on my Windows 7 computer. But then again, I started a new game when I switched to Windows 10 on this new computer, so maybe something is different when you do that. I haven't started one in a while, so I will go with that excuse for now. I'm just going to go back to the beginning and try one more time. Then I think I'm done with it if I can't get it to work. I don't mind spending some time to get things to work, but two weeks is getting a little stupid. I['m sure my wife can find things for me to do with my extra time.

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Your post is not falling on deaf ears, anjemthedog. :smile: I did acknowledge you were pretty much right about it being a red herring of sorts after I spoke with my nephew and he had the same settings. Windows 10 will just take a bit of getting used to, but it is nice to know they take a bunch of decisions out of my hands. Now I know who to curse under my breath as I am finding workarounds. I stayed with Windows 7 for this long for a reason.


I have Norton, which (supposedly) automatically disables Windows Defender. My nephew, who has much more experience with Windows 10, said Defender is all he uses. So maybe it has improved enough to let my Norton subscription die out and just go back to the original.


I actually installed STEAM on my E:\ NVME M.2 drive. I was just sure to keep it separate from my mods since I went back and forth between MO2 and Vortex so much. I have them on the same drive though.


I do have Windows 10 Pro. It is a personal preference which comes from my IT days. I've had plenty of exposure, it was just to older OS's. Certainly enough to play with permissions, at least on them. Windows 10 may be another story.


My computer is pretty decent as I just had it put together. Took me a while to get all the parts because of COVID, but it is i9-10980XE, 2080ti gpu (jackasses came out with the 3080 the week after I got it), all nvme m.2 drives, a crapload of RAM I can expand up to 256GB on this motherboard, and a lot of bells and whistles I assured the wife wouldn't cost much as I steadily rose above the $5K limit she gave me. :smile: But she only lets me get one every 10 years or so, so it had to be up to snuff.


I will take a look at that link by smr1957. I'm also reverting back to my "initial" mods setup, ie the basics everything else builds on, like XPSME, USSEP, CRF, etc. Thank you. Its probably going to be what I was looking for in the first place.


EDIT: Hmmm, sorry I posted twice in a row. I didn't notice the page changed so I thought my last post got "lost" in the internet somewhere. Really having a blonde day.

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Norton *could be interfering. I only use Defender for this OS, on this computer, as it's not for professional use an I'm not terribly exposed. I envy your hardware. Mine isn't quite so SOA.


I'd strongly recommend that you go slowly on the mod installations this time. Start with only the basics, and make sure the game is working without problems between *small* mod installation groupings (ie 5-10 max). This makes any subsequent debugging far easier to accomplish, since scratching your head on a few mods as "which one did it?" is significantly easier than "which one of these 100-200 mods broke it?"


And as far as installing mods, I'd recommend that after installing the most basic of the basics (SKSE2.0.17 is a good start, maybe Better Messagebox Controls, SkyUI, Better Dialogue Controls, Racemenu, and any necessary dependencies for them) that you get out of Helgen before loading any more. ... PS> not sure which one, Better Mesagebox or Better Dialogue, but I *had to have one of the two for the game to work (modal dialogs would stop dead without). racemenu because idk because. SkyUI probably not "necessary" but might be a dependency


Personally speaking, **I do not recommend bouncing between mod managers. I don't know of too many people around here who routinely help others solve issues in these SSE forums who do either.


If you're going to use Vortex (which personally I recommend, it's made life very easy for me, no matter what the game console kiddie leets think, and no matter that it has that annoying kiosk UI), I see no reason not to install steam and the game on C, in fact I see every reason to use the default installation locations, since Vortex (and Skyrim) seems to "enjoy" having everything on the same partition. (If you were to dig around in my posting profile, you sure won't see too many posts from me about how the game won't start)


Even a 500G SSD is sufficient for the task, and fwiw I also have dozens of other applications installed unrelated to this game. All of the first SSD.


That's what I've been using for almost two years and although I have beaucoup skyrimSE game saves, I'm barely past to 50% mark on disk usage even though I've taken no time to purge old game saves that are broken (usually due to mod incompatibilities or game upgrade chokeouts from baked old version content that cant be cleaned since the save can't be opened to resave it and expose the obsolete content to fallrim tools for cleaning)


If you're the type to collect compressed files (I have a pretty large selection myself) mod archiving can be foisted onto a secondary drive (that's how I do it, but the game, and all the installed mods and so forth are right there on C where skyrim and Vortex prefer they are located. It makes life much easier and more time spent playing less time debugging.


good luck.

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Thanks for that info about Better Messagebox and Better Dialogue. They could be the culprit why I couldn't exit the cave before without crashing.


I have started a new game with just the basics installed and planned on getting through the cave before I load anything else. As you suggested, I will be adding 5-10 mods at a time and then test. Going to take a while to get 600+ mods loaded again, but I should have realized that just shoving them all in there and having LOOT sort them wasn't going to work. This is Bethesda, after all, and its their DUTY to make this as difficult as possible.


I'm no longer in IT, so I could have probably lived with the Windows 10 Home edition, but I just prefer Pro. Its what I've always used.


I had originally intended to use MO2, but I have some Nahimic Drivers that interferred with it, ie blank popup screens, etc. So I reloaded everything in Vortex. Then I finally figured out how to get rid of the drivers (they kept reinstalling when I powered up the PC) so I went back to MO2. This was because someone suggested that I use it instead for my type of play (I spend more time messing with mods than actually playing thse days). However, something else glitched at the end (I forget what) so I just restarted over in Vortex. Probably should have just stayed here anyway, as that is what I am used to and organizing/installing my mods does seem to be easier using it.


I put everything Skyrim related on its own drive, as I like to keep my C:\ drive as empty as possible, ie OS and Office (but only because I never figured out how to stick it on another drive). And of course there is some User info, but most of my Data I keep on a separate drive. So I have C: for OS, E for Skyrim, F for Programs, and G for Data, with D being my 4T external harddrive I religously do backups to (because I'm paranoid about loosing stuff). Those are 1TB NVME M.2 drives. I haven't transferred my other SSD and manual drives yet from my other computer, but I will get there. Priorities. Skyrim first. :laugh:


And yes, I do keep a library of files as well as a KEEP folder. Some mods I have in the KEEP folder are things I have personnally converted from LE that haven't been done yet, or mods that people release that get taken down by moderators for some reason or another. Or something like TKAA, where the author just pulled it offline because people were abusing it.

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That's another reason I prefer Vortex. Takes the LOOT issues out of my way.

Bringing it all the way back to my initial mods did work on the saves, though, so at least that is good. Now I just need to figure out where in the next 600 mods my problems lay. Thanks for your help.

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  • 11 months later...
Hi everyone! I know this topic is old, but my problem is current.

I would like not to be too long, excuse me if I am.

Skyrim is a complex game. I believe that developers handle variables and routines that are intertwined and that some inevitably fail. Maybe you think like me and think that it could have been done better, without a doubt it is true.

I want you to know that saving a game is primary. There can be no fault on the part of the developers. If you play Skyrim from start to finish as it was intended, you are unlikely to have this error. With which, rule out a problem with the game application.

Several problems can be the cause that you cannot save your games after loading them without any problem.

1) Your Windows -or installed operating system- prevents it.

2) Your Save is defective.

3) Some modification (MOD) interferes with the save routine.

4) Your SKSE is corrupt.

5) Your game files are corrupt.

To solve 1)

You should check if your user and "Saves" folder in Documents // My Games // Skyrim or Skyrim Special Edition have the necessary permissions. Specifically: it should not be a read-only folder and, you must be a system administrator. Do not fight with the "Read Only" mark in Documents, you will not remove it no matter how hard you try, in fact it does not affect the subject of your save. Windows 10 tells us that it is read-only, but in reality, it is not.

Try the following: Create a new game and try saving it. If the game is saved, then rule out that the problem is the folder, your user or your operating system that ruins your existence.

To solve 2)

It may happen that your save loads but has residues of uninstalled modifications that affect it. To do this download the application "FallrimTools" download it from here.

Execute it to the save you are trying to load. Read about how to use it.

You should also run LOOT and if you use FNIS run it as well.

To solve 3)

It is not good practice to install or uninstall MODs in the middle of a started game. You run the risk of not being able to finish it. Remember this. Yes, I know ... I can't miss that or that MOD which is fantastic! Well, take these kinds of risks.

This is perhaps the most laborious. To know if there is any MOD that interferes with your saving, you should try uninstalling the MODs that you have installed lately. Do it one by one and see if the problem is solved. Try to remember which MOD you loaded recently and what could be the source of the problem. I recommend that you uncheck or disable the MOD of last installation and so on.

Keep in mind that the problem may be due to a reverse procedure. Maybe you uninstalled a MOD that affected some of your game settings. If you uninstalled something, I suggest you reinstall it and give it a try.

To solve 4)

Reinstall SKSE. You download it from the site

Choose the correct one.

To solve 5)

I recommend the following:

a) If you are a Steam user, do not uninstall your game, just change the name and place of your installation manually.

b) Steam will do a clean install.

c) Rename the newly installed "Data" folder to "Original Data".

d) Go find your Data folder where you saved your previous installation and copy it to your recent installation.

e) Copy the "Original Data" files into your Data Folder just moved from your old installation.

From now on, you will no longer have to uninstall and install, it will be enough for you to repeat the process of copying the files from "Data Original" to your data in use.

If your problem persists, we still have one last resort. Maybe this I should have said at the beginning.

In the folder C: \ Users \ [youruser] \ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim Special Edition \ SKSE \ Crashdumps you will find memory dump files that Windows writes when it has a problem.

In order for these "Memory Vocado" files to be created, you must have the following instruction in the SKSE.ini:

WriteMiniDumps = 1

If it isn't, add it last and save.

You can find the SKSE.ini at: C: \ Users \ [your user] \ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim Special Edition \ SKSE

You need to have an application to open those files. Find the file that matches the day and time your Skyrim failed. This file will tell you what was the problem for which the application stopped responding to the Windows operating system.

Good luck.


Edited by marcfer3
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  • 1 year later...

another reason this can happen is windows defender has a feature under ransomware protection called controlled folder access you can allow an app through that i allowed enb host exe skse skyrim laucher and tesv launcher through personally and boom i can save games again i am on win 11 edu version fyi

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most probable reasons of skyrim file related problems are windows defender or any 3rd party AV or assigning the wrong folder to the game or the modmanager. check this first!

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