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Survey for my Mod.


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Alright I know I am going to get flak for saying this, but I am making a mod that adds a very large worldspace with lots of cities and dungeons and more over-ambitious things that has a main questline within.


What I need to know is what the preffered level is for starting this (epic :rolleyes: ) quest should be. I wanted it to start at a low level but that would make the initial stages of it a breeze for higher level characters and detract from the awesome.


All feedback is appreciated and if anyone wants to lynch me for my over-ambitiousness go ahead.


If you're interested in what I'm doing, sit tight because im nearing completion of the first dungeon.

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If you plan on making a mod whether large or small you need to consider what you are capable of. I decided to make a new world for my mod, the prehistoric world of Pellucidar created by the same man who created Tarzan. I began work on it and even though I have designed new creatures, races, a world, cities, new walls, houses, villains, animals,weapons and armor, no one has offered to help. Plan on making the mod by yourself and if someone offers to help then you can add to what you want in the mod. You will have to learn every aspect and program from the construction set to a 3D animation program like Blender. Nifskope, the Gimp are two more you will need to learn. Script and quest writing are other things you will need to learn. I'm not trying to discourage anyone but you have to know what it takes to actually produce a good working mod.
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