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Glitched Sky


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For some reason my sky is glitched beyond belief, there is no sunlight whatsoever at most times, and if there is a sun it doesn't actually light anything up. It is always cloudy, and that is the only whether pattern that appears(usually without a sun).

This is with project reality installed, but it does the same thing with Vanilla, and Nevada Skies.

If you wait some ingame hours, the weather is always the same cloudy with a dark hue(except at night where it is almost completly dark).


Day: http://i50.tinypic.com/fbz7so.png



Night: http://i49.tinypic.com/28me15i.png


If you can help please reply.

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Would suggest following any uninstall instructions the mods give and doing a steam verify cache, most of these issues are caused by mod conflicts or you didn't install the mod correctly, try going through your mods and seeing if there are any other mods that may affect these areas of the game.

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No Copy & Paste Responses Please(Captain Obvious)
Please refrain from being condescending, I know what I'm doing.
Don't assume everyone uses the Steam version of FONV(this was pretty annoying when trying to install FONV 4gb)

It was more of me asking for help, to see it anyone else had the same problem, and how they fixed it.
In my original post I had mentioned that "Vanilla" skies suffer from the same problem, the sky is always black, with shades of white in it, and there is a dim sun(Thus, the sky isn't vanilla).
This is with all mods turned off(except the game profiles mod)

I'll give it a few days, If not I'll just do a fresh install.


Edit: I did a clean install, nevermind.

It turns out the problem was ENB, which made me pretty angry to say the least.

Edited by Pridefuldawn
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@Pridefuldawn; You are mistaken, and a self-admitted pirate. Every (legal) install of FONV requires Steam. Period.


Fallout: New Vegas Switches to Steam

Andy Chalk | 9 June 2010 1:33 pm

Bethesda Softworks has revealed that the PC version of Fallout: New Vegas will require activation on Steam.


Senior Producer Jason Bergman revealed that the PC version of the upcoming RPG will require Steam activation...


"Use of Steam will be mandatory at retail."

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