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i've tried every thing i could do to get this armor to work even used 2 different skeletons the mod is

BBB Yaarm Dark Fur Armor

and this is what i cant fix




ill take any help

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i have tried the Universal Skeleton Nif and Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton and they didnt work as for archive invalidation i gess what ever it is when you first in stall oblivion



i mange to get it to work thanks for the help

Edited by liliths234
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Which means you have no archive invalidation in place. What happens then is when you put new replacer assets like the skeleton.nif into the correct folders the game ignores them and continues to use it's original copy that is stored in the game's BSA files (Oblivion - Meshes.bsa in the case of skeleton.nif). The various methods that have been developed over the years to deal with that situation are call archive invalidation. They all get the game to use newer assets when available. Some had some downsides and have fallen out of use in favour of newer, less problematic solutions. BSA Redirection is the method of choice today.


The simplest way to take care of archive invalidation is to use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Click the Utilities button and select Archive Invalidation from the menu. Click on BSA Redirection, leave everything else at default and click on the Update Now button. Close the archive invalidation dialogue and then OBMM (it doesn't commit the changes until closed). BSA Redirection is a do once and forget about it forever solution.


The best BBBed skeleton to use is Universal Skeleton Nif (it is much more complete and recent than Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton). I suggest you use the ControlableSkeleton version unless you have a mod that requires the TotalControlableSkeleton version, and in that case be aware of the problems and limitations of using that version and workarounds needed.

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