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So, back when I first heard about Skyrim, I had heard we would be able to "spellweave", by combining different spells together to create new ones. When I finally got my hands on it...well, I was a bit disappointed. I'm normally a melee-class player, but I had been excited about the thought of being able to combine spells instead of having to stick with a specific set.


Is there a mod out there that allows this (preferably without SKSE, as it seems to dislike my computer)?

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there's Phenderix Ultimate Magic System http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24745

and Apocalypse Spell Package http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16225

of course, neither offers REAL spell weaving, but at least magic gets a little more creative


also, here's a video with a list of stuff that was thought up after release and later added via patches and add-ons:

so there's hope that bethesda will indeed add spell weaving at some point

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That was the video that made me think about spellweaving.


Dual-wielding spells is pretty fun, fire and frost make a great anti-warrior/archer combination, and frost/shock does awesomely against mages, but still, I would like to see, in addition to the combinations showed in the video, perhaps something like, "fire + frost = paralysis with a slow burn" or something.

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