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Play as someone else


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Hi. I'm an average Skyrim Player while absolutely ignorant about modding. Because of the huge vast of knowledge that is possible to have about skyrim modding and because of school I'm not able to learn about it.


I have a, well, rather small idea, but I think it should be somewhat interesting.

How about the idea that your character is not the only playable one? Yeah, it kinda sounds like Sims or something but when I thought about the personal story of my character, I felt he was a bit lonely, so I searched for a wife for him, but it seems that there is no one that likes his huge axe and his ability to simply decapitate anyone in front of him. Poor Darius. But how about I created a wife for him by myself? Well, that's not possible, she won't be in his Skyrim world. Crap. That's the first problem. And if he'd married someone else in his Skyrim World, well, she'd just live in their house or come with him, have adventures together and then she dies because she's a freakin npc that simply runs into 1v10.


So I thought about how nice it would be that you could change your control and simply play as her and do her business while Darius is getting like a npc and stays at home or does random things around his location until you take him with you or decide to play as him again.

I wouldn't like it when you were able to play as ANYONE but someone of your company would be nice, wouldn't it?

Well. That's basically it, and yes, I wrote a little bit more, but shouldn't be a problem, right~


I hope someone else would enjoy that, too, that has more skill in modding than me. ^^

Honto ni arigatou gozaimasu and have a wonderful day

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The closest I got to this was creating a mod for each of my characters so they were effectively an NPC and then changing which ones were loaded depending on which character/save I was wanting to play. This last part was made much easier with mod organiser due to it's 'profiles'. Of course, it means that the storyline is completely different between the saves and the npc version of the character will get 'out-of-date'.



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Having a stored variable sheet might allow this, but I haven't seen how the variables work in SKyrim yet.


Here's an idea: Once you get to certain points, sleeping at a bed at those points will let you switch to another character. These certain points are guilds or houses; Switching from your warrior at the COmpanion's hall, for example. In that example, your next character would see that companion just meandering around the hall, or going out on random Companion missions.


You could add in a limit on how many characters could join a guild, even, as eventually their bunkhall would be filled up.


As for houses, once one player character buys the house, none of the others can. The house could become locked to other characters based on the Once Played Character (OPC)'s lockpicking stat or locked to the key alone so that other PCs cannot just take the items.


Might be good to just have a cap on how many characters per game you can have, and maybe even have the player select them all from the beginning (add in other cart or two, have the player go through and choose all their characters). Of course, since you only use the one from the start, the others could get scattered about and would have to be found to be played.


(As for how to incorporate other prisoners who's race hasn't been selected, some sort of cloak to hide their features until the player chooses them would work, just remove it before the player enters the racemenu for that character.)


With multiple prisoners, names could become "Prisoner 1," "Prisoner 2," etc or A, B, etc at the start of the game, so that there's at least something to load from the sheet.

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