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Is fellout supposed to be FPS intensive?


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Just wondering because with NMC light installed WITH Fellout I get about 10-20fps on a good day yet without Fellout I appear to get 30fps constantly (limited via stutter remover).


Now, I am just wondering.. why does Fellout cause this FPS drop.. It never used to afew months ago before I got back onto NV.


Hmm, Maybe I just need to clean my laptops fans, they are abit dusty afterall.

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well, I found ONE bottleneck on my laptop.. was to do with CCC doing something it shouldnt which got me a solid 30fps with fellout.


But now, when I take fellout off I get about 35-40fps.. so fellout is having some sort of affect.


You guys think I should just turn Fellout off permanently? Or do you know any other lighting mods worthwhile that are not performance hitters?

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will give it a look, its only 5 frames but.. well, its just strange! Skyrim with Hialgo im getting 40-50 frames.. Fallout 3 im gettin about 40 frames.. new vegas is the odd exception to the rule.


Maybe theres something wrong with my Ini or something.. hmm.. I just dont think Fellout is responsible, it has to be something else.

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