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Porting Fallout 4 mod to PS4 - Need help triggering an activation on game start!


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Hi everyone!!


It's been a while, and some of my modding knowledge has um... faded,,, I've been asked to port my mod to PS4, but I've hit some basic roadblocks...


My current issue is simply trying to activate a book or a a message as soon as the game starts.


So far, I've worked out how to use a trigger Activator reference to show a message. This is quite simple using the Default Papyrus scripts and their properties, which are also very handy for enabling linked objects.


But the issue I'm battling with is triggering it WHEN THE GAME LOADS.


At my wit's end, I even tried creating a huge Trigger reference to cover the whole map, that the player would trigger on game load... but I got an error...

MODELS:				Bound for object 'DefaultEmptyTrigger' (000224E3) exceeds 32000 unit limits (-131008,-64,-64),(131008,64,64).

In my quest, I tried creating a Trigger reference Alias AT THE PLAYER, but then I can't add the default script I need because it extends ObjectReference, not ReferenceAlias.


Something that would help would be the ability to create an object reference(Trigger) AT THE PLAYER. Then I could use DefaultActivateLinkedRefs script to activate the book?


If you have any insight, please help me through this troubling time :thumbsup:

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Unless things have changed, SONY does not allow outside assets to be used on their equipment. Also, Bethesda.net is the only legal source for console mods.

Hi M48A5!!!

Yes brother, that be the reason I'm not simply using a single line of code to solve this problem o_O . I have to use default & test scripts, which I'm hoping someone might have a wealth of knowledge of on here.

I'm also asking on Bethesda.net but I've had good replies from knowledgeable modders on here before :dance:

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