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Yet another weight mod?


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I know there are a ton of weight mods out there, but it drives me crazy that NONE of them are the least bit realistic. Stimpacks weighing one pound? Vacuum cleaners that weigh almost nothing? Add to this the fact that almost all of these mods end up doing far more than adjusting weights. Isn't that what a well-designed custom merged patch is for? I have actually stepped through all ingestible and miscellanous items to create REALISTIC weights based on real-world similar items. Now I'm working on ammunition and next I'm thinking of tackling weapons and armor (unsure how I will find realistic weights for power armor yet). Is this anything the community will be interested in or should I just keep this one to myself like many of the other small mods I have created but didn't think others would care for?

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I'd certainly be interested. Upon seeing this post, I checked my game and according to the weight mod I'm currently using, my sixteen bobby pins are almost two pounds. Makes complete sense, of course. Bitter sarcasm aside, I imagine you could base power armor weight on the weight of plate armor (or perhaps even modern variants), plus a few extra pounds. What other little mods have you created, if you don't mind my asking?

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I would like to point out that I have done some extensive research into the ammo, and the weights given in game are nearly as real world accurate as they can be, assuming that 1WG is 1 pound.


As for a good mod that handles weight balance, check out Mass Recalibration. It does a very good job of weighting items, and is ultra compatible since it uses scripts to edit the weights instead of hard object edits. Plus, since it uses lists, you can easily just change the list an item is in to give it a different weight.

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In all my searching, somehow I completely missed Mass Recalibration. The weights they list are extremely close to what I came up with. I'm wondering how stable it is using a script. I will have to check it out. I too discovered that most ammo was very accurate in weight (with the exception of rockets/missiles). Let me try that one out. I don't want to duplicate someone else's work, especially since compatibility was my concern to begin with (I created a custom merged patch to make it compatible with other mods).


Zyio: most of the other mods I've made have just been fixes to correct errors in mods here on Nexus that hadn't been updated by their authors. Or that added minor bits of realism. Nothing as extrensive as this weights mod I just finished which edited over 500 items.


As a side note, it bugs the hell out of me that I couldn't add weight to faction money. Limitation of the record type for those items. I wonder if Mass Recalibration found a way around that problem using a script.

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