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More Final Fantasy Weapons and such.


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I am thinking of trying to make the mods myself. But if can't or take too long and someone else thinks they can then by all means!


I will also accept any help/assistance towards this project.

There are some FF mods already. But they are of what you would expect while they are nice though.

Here are some ideas. The pages I link has the kinda stats I would like for the weapon.

Final Fantasy VI: Ultima Weapon/Atma.


Final Fantasy II: Blood Sword
They inflict damage based on the maximum Hit Points of a foe, and thus are effective against bosses with high HP

;maybe add some kinda blood effect or instant kill chance.


Final Fantasy V: Brave Blade
Based on how many fights. (Maybe power based on enemies killed?)
Thinking maybe this one:

Or this one: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Brave_Blade?file=Dissidia-BraveBlade.png

Final Fantasy V: Chicken Knife
Chicken Knife is the strongest knife in the game, and can potentially become stronger than even Ragnarok if the player runs away 255 times throughout the game, the Chicken Knife has 127 Attack. It grants +5 Speed, and when attacking with it, it has a 25% chance of making the party run automatically from the fight. Some commands such as Aim bypass the auto-running trait.

Maybe this one: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121120061305/finalfantasy/images/7/7b/Chicken_Knife_Brigade.gif
Or this one:http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Chicken_Knife?file=Dissidia012-ChickenKnife.png

Maybe some of Onion Knight's Sword of Dissidia.

Lufia: Dual Blade
Weapon Based on wielder's power. (Thinking of calculating stats for hit or maybe make it always 100% critical hit)


I am somewhat new to all of this so I am not sure if I can make them. So if someone else wants to do it go ahead. Sorry if my post is long or annoying. I think these ideas could work though.

Edited by FantasyDivine
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Just as a word of caution, read this thread:




Expect a fair bit of this while the mod develops. Personally, I fully support the idea. Why should Cloud and Lightning be the only ones whose weapons get put in Skyrim?

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