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Petrification - constant effect


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Hello guys,


I am working on a new race mod, called "The Asen" in which you have an alternative start in a dark forsaken dungeon, leashed in heavy chains for thousands of years until the dragons arose again.


So far so good, I hope. The new races permanent passive "ability" (I dont know if its the right word for it) is a Medusa like petrification look. Litteraly any creature who jumps into your sight shall be petrified, unless you have blindfolds equiped - dont care about balancing yet, just trying to get it working. Now my problem is, it currently doesnt seem to work at all.


I was wondering if anyone of you could help me out? Whats wrong with my settings (Screenshot attached)?



* Getting perma-paralyse-sight working

* Applying stone texture for affected NPCs

* Disabling it by equiping blindfolds (instead of helmets, activates a alternative sight)

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Abilities are passive bonuses and do not "cast".


Try making a separate paralysis spell and giving your ability a script that does something like this:


Spell Property YourParalysisSpell Auto

Float Property UpdateRate = 0.2 Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



Event OnUpdate()





Note: this will cause the IsDualCasting flag to get reset to zero each time the paralysis subspell is cast, breaking things like Impact. Perhaps using RemoteCast on self instead of Cast will fix this.

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I am using a Fire and Forget casting type now, and it seems to work, at least for the initiation. Only issue I have now is to recast the spell. Self recast scripts of the Magic Effect within the same ability dont seem to work. Do you know any solution for this?

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I found a good solution by myself. I gave the player actor the following script:



Scriptname AsenRaceScript extends ObjectReference
{Asen race specific properties and functions.}

Spell Property YourParalysisSpell Auto
Float Property UpdateRate = 0.2 Auto
Actor CasterRef
Actor TargetRef

EVENT onInit()

Event OnUpdate()


Works quite well and brought me a huge laugh when I tested the VoiceIceStorm3 spell with this. I could implement a race specific condition, but since I wanted to start with a new intro an only the Asen race, I made only them playable so its not needed for me anyway. But those who want to make a permanent running spell might find it useful. :biggrin:


PS: Im not a good scripter so this code might be a bit messi.

Edited by Medusa30
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