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Game stays on loading screen after adding mod


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Add mod.

Start game through skse, pick continue or load any of the save games.

Game then starts to load, shows pictures, fog etc. Stays there forever, doesnt lock up though.

Music still plays, text changes, etc. Game just never finishes loading.


Kill game.

Remove mod.

Reload game, whatever save I just loaded now does the same thing.

However if I choose another save, the game loads fine.


Anyone know where I should start looking for conflicts with other mods? Or any info what causes this behavior?


Mod is "destroy the theives guild"




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That is correct. The saves seem to get corrupted somehow.


And I know I could just not use the mod, but I'm interested in trying to find where the problem is and though someone here might know which direction to point me in.

I'm familiar with Te5edit, but no expert.



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Normally I hang on loadscreen if I disabled a for the save file essentiel mod.

Now in your case you enable a mod and hang. Just the opposite.

I once had the same problem as I used a mod which I later disabled, than a couple of weeks later came an upgraded version I installed loaded but never managed to load into game. On the modpage I saw that I had to disable the old mod in a certain way (making a "clean save") and by reinstalling the old version and doing it I could install the new one.


The first thing I had in mind as I read your post was more about a HD failure than mod problems. At loadup there should be no way for a mod to corrupt a save.

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If you can provide some details:


- Downloaded the loose version instead of the BSA one?

- Using any mod manager utility (NMM, Mod Organizer, whatever...) or installed the mod manually?


I could imagine that if you downloaded the Loose version, and if you have installed the mod manually, you would get 12 original scripts replaced (plus respective source code). Having altered original scripts on your game data, may cause all sort of problems.

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Using the BSA version.

Using Mod Organizer for all mods.

I download the mods using the manager, Mod Organizer adds them to the download tab and I install them from their.

I then BOSS it up by calling BOSS from Mod Organizer.

And lastly launch SKSE through Mod Organizer.


I'm going to try and clean my save game, then add it back.

I report the results.


Thanks for all the help

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