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(Armorbashing) blender doesn't export some piece


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No, what I am talking about is the name of the .nif file. If I work with, let's say wastelandmerchant.nif, when I export the .nif file, I will give it a unique name. Usually something like wastelandmerchant2.nif. If I continue to make changes to the wastelandmerchant2.nif, I will export it as wastelandmerchant3.nif. and so on as I make changes. When I am satisfied with the result, I will delete the previous versions.

I also have a special folder for the changed armor in the Bethesda Softworks names "New Armor" where I keep the changed armors. I also have a folder "Unused Armor" where I keep the .nif file of the armor that was replaced. This is so that I always have a copy of the changed armor along with a copy of the orginal armor.

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Oh, that's what you mean. I do name the nifs something different everytime i export them. Like the armor piece example before, after cutting of everything. I exported the file as "ChineseStealthBellyPiece" but there wasnt any change to the nif.


edit: still need help with the helmets:


helmet 1

Edited by Noswald95
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