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hand problems


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Weight-slider works, but hands are stuck in default position and don't animate with character. What could be causing the hands to do this? I just did a skin wrap transfer of skin weights to an almost identical mesh, and added Dismemberment to R/L Hands.





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Hmm. Looking at the skin envelopes in 3ds max it seems the skin is not transferring. This is most likely a max problem. I will try skinning again.

Edit: Never mind the skin is in max. It might a problem in the export. Still not resolved.


Edit: I am using the same export settings I always use, and I have never had this problem before.

Edited by edhelsereg
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It might have something to do with the original nif. I was using Miraak's gloves and they have a bunch of extra INV nodes and other things. that might have thrown things off. I ended up making a second triShape of the new meshes. Cheap but effective.

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