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So, I am ranked/titled "Fan" even though I have released a few mods. What do I have to do to attain the "Modder" rank/title.


I thought I read about this somewhere once before, does it have to do with the number of downloads/endorsements?


Thanks to anyone who reads/answers.

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What do I have to do to attain the "Modder" rank/title.

There is no such thing as a modder member title. Titles are changed when you get a certain post count (I don't even know what mine is).


What you probably mean by the Modder title is being recognized as a mod author and gaining access to the Mod Authors forum, for that you need 1000 total unique downloads on one Nexus site.


If you for example have 600 unique downloads on FO3 Nexus and 600 on Skyrim Nexus, it doesn't work but if you upload 2 files on FO3 Nexus and you have 600 unique downloads on one file and 600 on the other, that does work.

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Thanks guys, I have over 14,000 unique dl/s on my main file, so I guess I have access to that forum. When you say "recognized as a mod author", what form does that recognition take (edit: besides access to the mod author forum), if anything?


And luthienanarion, that's what I was asking about. Shadowjin has the title "Modder, Rank: Sloth", he has 3,000 posts. I guess I should have figured that title was made up haha.

Edited by Xion209
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Thanks guys, I have over 14,000 unique dl/s on my main file, so I guess I have access to that forum. When you say "recognized as a mod author", what form does that recognition take (edit: besides access to the mod author forum), if anything?


Dark0ne set 1000 UDLs for a single mod as the floor for access to the Mod Author's Forum. That single criterion is how one becomes "recognized as a mod author", and there are no other perks associated with the honour. :P

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Thandal, could you or someone else on staff please look into the issue with the download counter discussed here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/923039-whats-up-with-the-download-counter/?


I'd really like to regain access to the mod author forums with my new username, but it's taking forever because of the issues with the download counter. It seems like this is a new issue.

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Thandal, could you or someone else on staff please look into the issue with the download counter discussed here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/923039-whats-up-with-the-download-counter/?


I'd really like to regain access to the mod author forums with my new username, but it's taking forever because of the issues with the download counter. It seems like this is a new issue.


Please send a PM to one of the members of the Staff with the red "Admin" title under the avatar (Dark0ne, The Vampire Dante, buddah, LHammonds.) We "Moderators" have no access to the inner workings of the sites. :confused:

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