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The ERROR WordWallTriggerScript.psc


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I think you are not getting responses, perhaps, because you original post does not have enough info to be useful, and then all of your bumps make it appear like you are actually in a conversation, not just with yourself.

I will attempt to help you. The script you describe may or may not be related to your crash. The papyrus log is not a crash log.

Also, your skyrim version is perplexing. Can you give the steam/skyrim update version?


In order to help, I need the following Information.

Game info: (Skyrim version, How you launch skyrim (Native steam launcher, skse or NMM launcher, are you playing with steam in offline or online, game settings, any changes you have made to your prefs.ini, .ini or graphics driver.)

Computer info: CPU, RAM, GPU, VRAM, driver version


More information about the crash--Is there a pattern (certain pace or places, activities, objects, playing time related to the crash.)

What happens just before the crash?

Was there a time that you didn't have a crash? What has changes since?


Have you tried verifying your game files through steam? Does the crash occur if you start a new game (not a reinstall, just picking "new" instead of "continue" from the launcher.)

Are you using the steam workshop for mods, the nexus, or both?

If you have been using the NMM or skse launcher, what happens if you use the steam launcher?

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I think you are not getting responses, perhaps, because you original post does not have enough info to be useful, and then all of your bumps make it appear like you are actually in a conversation, not just with yourself.

I will attempt to help you. The script you describe may or may not be related to your crash. The papyrus log is not a crash log.

Also, your skyrim version is perplexing. Can you give the steam/skyrim update version?


In order to help, I need the following Information.

Game info: (Skyrim version, How you launch skyrim (Native steam launcher, skse or NMM launcher, are you playing with steam in offline or online, game settings, any changes you have made to your prefs.ini, .ini or graphics driver.)

Computer info: CPU, RAM, GPU, VRAM, driver version


More information about the crash--Is there a pattern (certain pace or places, activities, objects, playing time related to the crash.)

What happens just before the crash?

Was there a time that you didn't have a crash? What has changes since?


Have you tried verifying your game files through steam? Does the crash occur if you start a new game (not a reinstall, just picking "new" instead of "continue" from the launcher.)

Are you using the steam workshop for mods, the nexus, or both?

If you have been using the NMM or skse launcher, what happens if you use the steam launcher?

Thank GOD! finlly someone resopnse!!! (sorry about the all bumps :happy:...)


So where to start...


I use skyrim 1.9 (last) and lunch him with skse.

And Its randomaly crash,it can be 5 min,20 min,or 2 hours! (if I was good boy :biggrin:).and before the crash the game freeze for sec and then he ctd!.

Even when I start the game (with no mods!) the game start to crash!.

I also try clean my game with tes5edit and still ctd!!!.


And I allmost sure that error is my problem,you can see same problem here:



so pls if you need more info,pls tell me to figure this FU!@%!@ PROBLEM!!!.

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Hi. So I do not think your problem is related to the script you mention. Remember, the papyrus log is not a crash log, and there is a good change that whatever event is crashing your system may not have time to be registered before the crash. Your description of the problem does not appear to have any relation to that script (it is not that you are crashing upon trying to activate a wordwall, for example.)


Rather, what I read from you is that your crash happens randomly from 5 minutes to 2 hours, and may freeze before crashing. This suggests to me that your problem is related to your memory or hardware --either VRAm or RAM--being overtaxed.

Could you please post your computer specs that I requested?

Also, have you made any changes to your prefs ini or ini files (like using 7 ugridstoload)

Can you please give me the specifics of your graphics settings (graphics level, using ao or fxaa, sliders, any changes to your driver's game profile, etc.)

Are you using any method to free up your computers resources Like gamebooster, or manually shutting down unecessary processes/services?

Have you looked at the temperature of your GPU and CPU while playing?


I know you are frustrated, and I am happy to try to help, although I am not always on the computer.

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Hi. So I do not think your problem is related to the script you mention. Remember, the papyrus log is not a crash log, and there is a good change that whatever event is crashing your system may not have time to be registered before the crash. Your description of the problem does not appear to have any relation to that script (it is not that you are crashing upon trying to activate a wordwall, for example.)


Rather, what I read from you is that your crash happens randomly from 5 minutes to 2 hours, and may freeze before crashing. This suggests to me that your problem is related to your memory or hardware --either VRAm or RAM--being overtaxed.

Could you please post your computer specs that I requested?

Also, have you made any changes to your prefs ini or ini files (like using 7 ugridstoload)

Can you please give me the specifics of your graphics settings (graphics level, using ao or fxaa, sliders, any changes to your driver's game profile, etc.)

Are you using any method to free up your computers resources Like gamebooster, or manually shutting down unecessary processes/services?

Have you looked at the temperature of your GPU and CPU while playing?


I know you are frustrated, and I am happy to try to help, although I am not always on the computer.

Well,this my specs: (yes,I know this suck pc! :confused: )


CPU:Pentium 4 3.0 gh (maybe this the problem? :ermm: )


OS: windows xp s3


ram:2 gb


GFX:NVidia GeForce 8400gs 512 Mb VRam


Well I know this Pc looks for you very old,BUT! he run the game allmost smooth with 25-30 fps!.

And the only thing that I change in prefs.ini is remove complatly the shadows (you can't imagine how hard is to be thief with this Settings! :P).


And before the play I allways cheeck my usge ram to be sure there is no pogram that stealing some kb!.

once I trid to play with gamebooster,but the game run bad and exit more fast!.


About the gpu tempture I will cheeck it,if there no aother idea,and it be my last hope (sorry I too lazy :confused:.....)


Pls I must help from pro like you! (And I'm not sucking up! :dry:....)


your hopeless

Shahar. :cool:

Edited by shahr
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If you are too lazy to check your GPU temp, take a second to imagine what you would do if your are killing your graphics card because of overheating....

You are playing with a computer below minimum specs. If you don't want to kill your computer, to be blunt, you can either learn about how to gently and carefully coax all the power you have into the game so it is acceptably playable to you and is not causing irreversible damage, or you can get a new, better computer. Even with the best care, you are going to be looking at low level graphics, limited mods, etc. Although you say your computer ran with 25-30 fps, unless you are monitoring your system, you do not know if that 25-30 fps came at the expense of overheating your card (and maybe your entire rig), causing permanent, irreversible damage. The crashes you describe are right in line with this scenario.


So, if you don't want to kill your whole computer, then I suggest you stop everything else related to skyrim and do this first:

1. Learn how to open up your case, and carefully blow out all the dust.. Dust causes static charges which increase overheating but can also cause shorts and fry your computer. You can go here to find detailed instructions on how to do that. After you do that, run your computer's basic maintenence stuff- clearing out old files, defrag, the usual.


2. If you have not done so, go to the NVidia site and update your drivers. Do not use Windows driver update, this will cause file corruption. You need a complete clean reinstall.


3. Download NVidia Inspector. It is a better NVidia control panel than the stock one. Gefore frequently references it in their own web pages--it is widely used and highly regarded. It makes monitoring your temps quite easy.


If you need more guidance on how to do those things, I will try to help you, but there is no point in you playing around with the game settings until you know what you are doing is not adding more damage. Once you get those things taken care of, you will be able to make decisions about your settings and mods in a realistic way.


(Edited to add links, derp.)

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If you are too lazy to check your GPU temp, take a second to imagine what you would do if your are killing your graphics card because of overheating....

You are playing with a computer below minimum specs. If you don't want to kill your computer, to be blunt, you can either learn about how to gently and carefully coax all the power you have into the game so it is acceptably playable to you and is not causing irreversible damage, or you can get a new, better computer. Even with the best care, you are going to be looking at low level graphics, limited mods, etc. Although you say your computer ran with 25-30 fps, unless you are monitoring your system, you do not know if that 25-30 fps came at the expense of overheating your card (and maybe your entire rig), causing permanent, irreversible damage. The crashes you describe are right in line with this scenario.


So, if you don't want to kill your whole computer, then I suggest you stop everything else related to skyrim and do this first:

1. Learn how to open up your case, and carefully blow out all the dust.. Dust causes static charges which increase overheating but can also cause shorts and fry your computer. You can go here to find detailed instructions on how to do that. After you do that, run your computer's basic maintenence stuff- clearing out old files, defrag, the usual.


2. If you have not done so, go to the NVidia site and update your drivers. Do not use Windows driver update, this will cause file corruption. You need a complete clean reinstall.


3. Download NVidia Inspector. It is a better NVidia control panel than the stock one. Gefore frequently references it in their own web pages--it is widely used and highly regarded. It makes monitoring your temps quite easy.


If you need more guidance on how to do those things, I will try to help you, but there is no point in you playing around with the game settings until you know what you are doing is not adding more damage. Once you get those things taken care of, you will be able to make decisions about your settings and mods in a realistic way.


(Edited to add links, derp.)

Well I trid before what you tell me,and still I got ctd!.

I cheek my temp and found the game crash on 53c.

But agin I really sure this problem not come from my pc,becuse why I lunch the games:fc3,dishonord (and all the urenal3 games...),gta iv etc?.I not say they lunch perfect or very smooth,but none of this games give me crash or something like that because my pc.even when I played dishonord I got error and the way I fix it,is to add this line bInitializeShadersOnDemand=True in config file.(maybe there some line like this for skyrim).

And this way I dont see any resone that skyrim will crash becuse my pc.


So pls,if you have any idea what this error or something that cuse this crash (what a ryem ;D)

I will very happy to hear.


your hopeless

Shahar. :cool:

Edited by shahr
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Skyrim is very resource heavy, especially with the graphics.

The 53c sounds like your CPU, not GPU. What you need to look at is the GPU temperature.


Did you download Nvidia Inspector? If you go to sensor monitoring, you can have the Inspector capture info about your GPU while you play. Have it capture your powerlevel , GPU temp, memory, and voltage. Play til a crash, then look at the settings when the crash happened.


Alternately. you can use EVGAprecision (or Riva tuner, I think) to set off an alarm when your temperature exceeds a certain number. (90C is usually the max temp for drivers)


If youu sost a screenshot here of your Inspector's Skyrim Profile settings, and I will take a look at them, too.

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The good news it that it looks like the crashes are not from overheating. Much better for the long run. :-)

You may simply be looking at a case of your settings and mods pushing your clocks and RAM and VRAM beyond their capabilities.

You have disabled autosaves and quicksaves, and are playing in offline mode, correct? Also you have disabled any possible autoupdate or scan, browser, IM, anything else that might be using your resources?

The other thing I think might possibly be happening is that your PSU (or even GPU) might possibly be nearing it's end, but lets try other things first.


If you have been uninstalling/reinstalling mods and since you are concerned about possible script errors being involved, it would be the safest route to begin with a complete clean reinstall of the game. This means using the delete local content option on Steam, then going into all of your skyrim folders and manually removing everything else. If you want to try to put this off, that is fine, though if the next things don't work, you may need to come back to this step. If you don't do this, then at least, while we are trying out this other stuff, start a new game to decrease save game corruption clouding the issue.


Since you don't have much in the way of mods, I would like to take a look at your settings, first. Could you please try the following:

1. Make a save or your prefs,ini and ini files (the ones in the documents folder, not the ones in the program files folder) and put it somewhere separate (like your desktop or whatever).

2. Go to the steam launcher menu, click on options, and set everything to the lowest setting--low or none for everything, sliders all to the far left, uncheck FXAA, AO, etc. (this is an intermediate step, I hope)

3. Open skyrim, then close it back down (to reset your ini files)

4. Copy/paste your new .ini and prefs .ini to your post (enclose in spoiler tags)

5. Go to the steam driver profile for skyrim and copy a screenshot (it might take 2) of your settings to a post. (click on the tools icon next to the driver version, this will bring up the profiles page. Click on the menu bar and look for Elder Scrolls Skyrim.)


If you can get that up, I can check for problems, and also recommend some tweaks to decrease your memory load.

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