shahr Posted April 10, 2013 Author Share Posted April 10, 2013 (edited) You mean this file?: [Display]sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS"iTexMipMapSkip=1bFXAAEnabled=0fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=3072fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=4096fSpecularLODStartFade=0fLightLODStartFade=0fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=0iShadowMapResolution1fShadowBiasScale=0.0000iShadowMaskQuarter=3iBlurDeferredShadowMask=0fShadowDistance=0.0000iMaxDecalsPerFrame=0iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=0iAdapter=0iSize W=800iSize H=600iMultiSample=1iMaxAnisotropy=1iPresentInterval=1bFull Screen=1fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000bFloatPointRenderTarget=1fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=4600.0000fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=3600.0000fGamma=1.0000iShadowFilter=0bShadowsOnGrass=1fDecalLOD2=1500.0000fDecalLOD1=1000.0000fShadowLODStartFade=0.0000iTexMipMapMinimum=0bTransparencyMultisampling=0iWaterMultiSamples=0bDeferredShadows=1iShadowMode=0bTreesReceiveShadows=0bDrawLandShadows=0bDrawShadows=0fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000iScreenShotIndex=0bShadowMaskZPrepass=0bMainZPrepass=0[Grass]b30GrassVS=1fGrassStartFadeDistance=0fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=400.0000[imagespace]iRadialBlurLevel=0bDoDepthOfField=1[LOD]fLODFadeOutMultActors=0fLODFadeOutMultItems=0fLODFadeOutMultObjects=0fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1.0000[Decals]bDecals=0bSkinnedDecals=0uMaxDecals=0uMaxSkinDecals=0uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=0[TerrainManager]fTreeLoadDistance=12500fBlockMaximumDistance=75000fBlockLevel1Distance=25000fBlockLevel0Distance=15000fSplitDistanceMult=0.4bShowLODInEditor=0[blurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[blurShader]bUseBlurShader=0[Launcher]bEnableFileSelection=1bShowAllResolutions=1uLastAspectRatio=1[Water]iWaterReflectHeight=512iWaterReflectWidth=512bUseWaterDisplacements=1bUseWaterRefractions=1bUseWaterReflections=1bUseWaterDepth=1[MAIN]fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=150000.0000bGamepadEnable=0bCrosshairEnabled=1fHUDOpacity=1.0000bSaveOnPause=0bSaveOnTravel=0bSaveOnWait=0bSaveOnRest=0[interface]fMouseCursorSpeed=1.0000bDialogueSubtitles=1bGeneralSubtitles=1bShowCompass=1[GamePlay]bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1bShowQuestMarkers=1iDifficulty=5[Controls]bUseKinect=0fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0200fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=1.9000bAlwaysRunByDefault=1bInvertYValues=0bGamePadRumble=1[Particles]iMaxDesired=750[saveGame]fAutosaveEveryXMins=60.0000[AudioMenu]fAudioMasterVolume=1.0000fVal7=1.0000uID7=0fVal6=1.0000uID6=0fVal5=1.0000uID5=0fVal4=1.0000uID4=0fVal3=1.0000uID3=466532fVal2=0.8000uID2=554685fVal1=0.8000uID1=1007612fVal0=1.0000uID0=94881[Clouds]fCloudLevel2Distance=262144.0000fCloudLevel1Distance=32768.0000fCloudLevel0Distance=16384.0000fCloudNearFadeDistance=9000.0000[General]iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0[Trees]bRenderSkinnedTrees=1uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=40 I trid to play the game with Super duper clean game,but still crash!.maybe its really conect to my ram,but I sure there teak that confusd this game (like I did in dishonord). And I really need to say,you doing wonderful job! :thumbsup: ,even if we will no sucssed to figure this problem,I still appriced that someone was care about me,and try to help :happy:. Your hopelessShahar :cool:. Edited April 10, 2013 by shahr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted April 10, 2013 Share Posted April 10, 2013 Thanks for the thank you. Well, it could be a tweak, but if you completely removed all of the skyrim folders and mod folders and savegames, then it is very unlikely anything you did with a mod would affect this game.Thank you for your .ini file. IIs this the new one that was created by your reinstallation of skyrim? You are missing some lines and there is what seems to be a typo, maybe a result of whatever you did to try to remove shadows? I'd like to take a look at a couple of your .ini file values, too:uExterior Cell Buffer=uGridstoLoad=iMinMemoryPageSize=iMaxMemoryPageSize=iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes= Finally, could you please also provide those screenshots of your game profile from NVIdia Inspector? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shahr Posted April 11, 2013 Author Share Posted April 11, 2013 (edited) Thanks for the thank you. Well, it could be a tweak, but if you completely removed all of the skyrim folders and mod folders and savegames, then it is very unlikely anything you did with a mod would affect this game.Thank you for your .ini file. IIs this the new one that was created by your reinstallation of skyrim? You are missing some lines and there is what seems to be a typo, maybe a result of whatever you did to try to remove shadows? I'd like to take a look at a couple of your .ini file values, too:uExterior Cell Buffer=uGridstoLoad= iMinMemoryPageSize=iMaxMemoryPageSize=iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes= Finally, could you please also provide those screenshots of your game profile from NVIdia Inspector?Here,this my clean ini files:Skyrim.ini: [General]sLanguage=ENGLISH uExterior Cell Buffer=36 [Display]fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000.0fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048bAllowScreenshot=1 [Audio]fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0 [Grass]bAllowCreateGrass=1bAllowLoadGrass=0 [GeneralWarnings]SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. [Archive]sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsasResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa [Combat]fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0 [Papyrus]fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0bEnableLogging=0bEnableTrace=0bLoadDebugInformation=0[Water]bReflectLODObjects=0bReflectLODLand=0bReflectSky=0bReflectLODTrees=0 SkyrimPrefes: [Display]sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS"iTexMipMapSkip=1bFXAAEnabled=0fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=3072fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=4096fSpecularLODStartFade=0fLightLODStartFade=0fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=0iShadowMapResolution=512fShadowBiasScale=0.5iShadowMaskQuarter=3iBlurDeferredShadowMask=0fShadowDistance=2000iMaxDecalsPerFrame=0iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=0iAdapter=0iSize W=800iSize H=600iMultiSample=1iMaxAnisotropy=1iPresentInterval=1bFull Screen=1[Grass]b30GrassVS=1fGrassStartFadeDistance=0[imagespace]iRadialBlurLevel=0[LOD]fLODFadeOutMultActors=0fLODFadeOutMultItems=0fLODFadeOutMultObjects=0[Decals]bDecals=0bSkinnedDecals=0uMaxDecals=0uMaxSkinDecals=0uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=0[TerrainManager]fTreeLoadDistance=12500fBlockMaximumDistance=75000fBlockLevel1Distance=25000fBlockLevel0Distance=15000fSplitDistanceMult=0.4[blurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[blurShader]bUseBlurShader=0[Launcher]bEnableFileSelection=1bShowAllResolutions=1uLastAspectRatio=2 Now for the nvidiaInspector: My BOSS:(if you no notice that....) Here is my boss!: These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action. Skyrim.esm ActiveUpdate.esm ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Dawnguard.esm ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}HearthFires.esm ActiveDragonborn.esm ActiveBBLuxurySuite.esm ActiveUnofficial Skyrim Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp ActiveUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}SkyUI.esp ActiveBBLSspouse.esp ActiveGhosu - Project Flintlock.esp ActiveGhosu - Project Flintlock - Ammo Addon.esp ActiveSekirei.esp ActiveBBLuxurySuiteExt.esp ActiveSweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp ActiveShadow Remover.esp ActiveSeeYouSleepByMadmole.esp ActiveViconia.esp ActiveBBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp Active Hope you give me the best tweaks to fix the CTD problem,or at last make the game run much smooter! ;D.*And I dont care for grafic,I allow you to remove\lower etc... anything to make my game run smooter!. So pls!,I beg of you!,HELP MY WITH THE GAME!!! :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: Your Hopeless gamerShahar. :cool: Edited April 11, 2013 by shahr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted April 12, 2013 Share Posted April 12, 2013 You make me laugh sometimes!Anything I say to do, please take as just a recommendation and an opinion, and then decide yourself if you want to do it! I hope that you will find this all useful, but I can't swear how any of these changes will affect your computer or game, so please use your own judgement and discretion. Also, I took a long time on this, but I can't swear I haven't made a mistake or overlooked anything. If something seems strange, or has a negative effect, please stop and let me know. Before you do any of this, I recommend making backups of your pref.ini and ini files, mods folder (the one with the 7zip files), and data folder (if you have space) somewhere so you can go back to them. Wouldn't hurt to do create a restore point for your computer and/or a complete computer backup. Prologue: I think that to be certain that the changes I suggest and the effects that you see are not related to any mods, the best thing to do would be to completely remove all of your mods (according to mod authors instructions), then do a complete clean reinstall of skyrim. To do this,1. Go to steam, use the "delete local content" option for Skyrim.2. Go back to your computer files, completely remove anything that remains in Programfiles\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim3. Go into your documents folder and delete anything left in mygames/skyrim, then close computer completely to clear cache.4. Reinstall from steam, then use the "verify cache files" steam thing to make sure everything was installed. (I don't think you need to uninstall BOSS or NMM, though)5. Start vanilla game (this will reset a bunch of things, you will get the message about this.) Do not add mods. Do not use the hi-res texture packs or the DLCs. Play through to at least where you get off the cart, make a save (so you don't have to endure the opening sequence every time you check on the effects of these changes)6. Close out of game, go back to Steam and go into offline mode.7. Perform basic computer maintenance (Clean up files, defrag, blow out the dust, etc.)8. Disable all unessential background apps and services. Make sure all autoscans, autoupdates, browsers, everything is off. (except steam, of course.) After you do this, there will be different values in your game settings and ini files. May recommendations are based on what you posted, so if I don't mention something, please assume that the value you posted here is what I sugggest you have. That means you may need to make some changes I don't explicitly mention to match the values you have posted here. I recommend that you do not make all of these changes at once. Rather, do a few, then check your game to see if you notice any changes. If you notice something hugely bad, stop and go back. If you let me know I can try to sort it out. Easier than adding everything and then wondering which was the problem. Please at least check in the game between each major section. Part A: Game settings.Please first go to steam and make sure you are running in offline mode. (You should still be logged in, though)1. Open the "options" in your launcher menu.A. Make sure the aspect ratio and resolution are based on your monitors native resolution (should be correctly set by the game, unless you have changed them)B. Set anti aliasing to "none", Anisotropic Filtering to 2C. Click the low detail button, then open the advanced tabD. For Detail, set everything on the lowest possible setting (low texture quality, none for radial blur, etc.)E. Make sure the FXAA box is not checked.F. Uncheck all of the water reflections except reflect sky. (You can uncheck that too if you prefer)G.On the view distance sliders, set all of them to the left.F. Click the object detail fade box. Set distant object detail to the lowest possible setting (I forget if it is low or none) 2. Open up your prefs.ini file, and make the following changes: (some things will already be different from the game settings changes you made) iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=0 (disables VSync. May cause some tearing but allows fps cap) Can you go through and make sure in your prefs ini you have anything related to auto update set to 0 (zero), and also gamepad rumble and use kinect set a t 0? Your prefs.ini seems to be missing sections and that the whole thing?There are other things I could recommend, to decrease leaf animation, grass, etc, but I think this should be a good start.(Remember that any time you open the "options" tab in the game launcher menu, it will reset some of these to the default, so if you feel the need to revisit the options, you will need to reset your prefs.ini, too.) 3. Open up your Nvidia Inspector's skyrim profile, and make the following changes:A. Set Antialiasing mode to "application-controlled"B. Set Anisotropic Filtering mode to "application controlled" (AF is something that we can maybe increase, if you get your game working, but for now I'm just looking at performance.)C.Set Ambient occlusion setting and usage to off and disabledD. Change your FPS to something other than 30 (capping at exactly 30 or 60 can cause problems with monitor refresh rate conflicts) 29 would be the more conservative choice, but you could try 35 too.)E. Set Multi-display/GPU acceleration to "single display performance mode"F. Set Vertical Sync to "use the 3D Application setting"G. Your second page didn't post exactly, but just be sure that the Anti aliasing SLI-AA is set to disabled. Make sure to click the "apply changes" icon before closing. OK, with all of that done, can you please reassess how your game is running? If it is smooth and is not crashing, then we may be able to increase some areas to improve your visuals, add mods, etc.If it is still crashing I do have a couple ideas left, and it also may be that I overlooked something, so if you give me your new prefs.ini, ini, and nvidia settings, with details about the problem, I may be able make some more suggestions. (Although it is possible that your system is just unable to handle the game.-- I still am hopeful we can get it to work!) Good luck, let me know how it goes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shahr Posted April 13, 2013 Author Share Posted April 13, 2013 (edited) You make me laugh sometimes!Anything I say to do, please take as just a recommendation and an opinion, and then decide yourself if you want to do it! I hope that you will find this all useful, but I can't swear how any of these changes will affect your computer or game, so please use your own judgement and discretion. Also, I took a long time on this, but I can't swear I haven't made a mistake or overlooked anything. If something seems strange, or has a negative effect, please stop and let me know. Before you do any of this, I recommend making backups of your pref.ini and ini files, mods folder (the one with the 7zip files), and data folder (if you have space) somewhere so you can go back to them. Wouldn't hurt to do create a restore point for your computer and/or a complete computer backup. Prologue: I think that to be certain that the changes I suggest and the effects that you see are not related to any mods, the best thing to do would be to completely remove all of your mods (according to mod authors instructions), then do a complete clean reinstall of skyrim. To do this,1. Go to steam, use the "delete local content" option for Skyrim.2. Go back to your computer files, completely remove anything that remains in Programfiles\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim3. Go into your documents folder and delete anything left in mygames/skyrim, then close computer completely to clear cache.4. Reinstall from steam, then use the "verify cache files" steam thing to make sure everything was installed. (I don't think you need to uninstall BOSS or NMM, though)5. Start vanilla game (this will reset a bunch of things, you will get the message about this.) Do not add mods. Do not use the hi-res texture packs or the DLCs. Play through to at least where you get off the cart, make a save (so you don't have to endure the opening sequence every time you check on the effects of these changes)6. Close out of game, go back to Steam and go into offline mode.7. Perform basic computer maintenance (Clean up files, defrag, blow out the dust, etc.)8. Disable all unessential background apps and services. Make sure all autoscans, autoupdates, browsers, everything is off. (except steam, of course.) After you do this, there will be different values in your game settings and ini files. May recommendations are based on what you posted, so if I don't mention something, please assume that the value you posted here is what I sugggest you have. That means you may need to make some changes I don't explicitly mention to match the values you have posted here. I recommend that you do not make all of these changes at once. Rather, do a few, then check your game to see if you notice any changes. If you notice something hugely bad, stop and go back. If you let me know I can try to sort it out. Easier than adding everything and then wondering which was the problem. Please at least check in the game between each major section. Part A: Game settings.Please first go to steam and make sure you are running in offline mode. (You should still be logged in, though)1. Open the "options" in your launcher menu.A. Make sure the aspect ratio and resolution are based on your monitors native resolution (should be correctly set by the game, unless you have changed them)B. Set anti aliasing to "none", Anisotropic Filtering to 2C. Click the low detail button, then open the advanced tabD. For Detail, set everything on the lowest possible setting (low texture quality, none for radial blur, etc.)E. Make sure the FXAA box is not checked.F. Uncheck all of the water reflections except reflect sky. (You can uncheck that too if you prefer)G.On the view distance sliders, set all of them to the left.F. Click the object detail fade box. Set distant object detail to the lowest possible setting (I forget if it is low or none) 2. Open up your prefs.ini file, and make the following changes: (some things will already be different from the game settings changes you made) iMultiSample=0iPresentInterval=0 (disables VSync. May cause some tearing but allows fps cap) Can you go through and make sure in your prefs ini you have anything related to auto update set to 0 (zero), and also gamepad rumble and use kinect set a t 0? Your prefs.ini seems to be missing sections and that the whole thing?There are other things I could recommend, to decrease leaf animation, grass, etc, but I think this should be a good start.(Remember that any time you open the "options" tab in the game launcher menu, it will reset some of these to the default, so if you feel the need to revisit the options, you will need to reset your prefs.ini, too.) 3. Open up your Nvidia Inspector's skyrim profile, and make the following changes:A. Set Antialiasing mode to "application-controlled"B. Set Anisotropic Filtering mode to "application controlled" (AF is something that we can maybe increase, if you get your game working, but for now I'm just looking at performance.)C.Set Ambient occlusion setting and usage to off and disabledD. Change your FPS to something other than 30 (capping at exactly 30 or 60 can cause problems with monitor refresh rate conflicts) 29 would be the more conservative choice, but you could try 35 too.)E. Set Multi-display/GPU acceleration to "single display performance mode"F. Set Vertical Sync to "use the 3D Application setting"G. Your second page didn't post exactly, but just be sure that the Anti aliasing SLI-AA is set to disabled. Make sure to click the "apply changes" icon before closing. OK, with all of that done, can you please reassess how your game is running? If it is smooth and is not crashing, then we may be able to increase some areas to improve your visuals, add mods, etc.If it is still crashing I do have a couple ideas left, and it also may be that I overlooked something, so if you give me your new prefs.ini, ini, and nvidia settings, with details about the problem, I may be able make some more suggestions. (Although it is possible that your system is just unable to handle the game.-- I still am hopeful we can get it to work!) Good luck, let me know how it goes!"You make me laugh sometimes!" I allways know that I charmer man! :cool: RAARR! and about your suggestions I will try them,so keep follow me (because I sooooooooo CHARMER! :cool:) Edit:Well,I dont thought that something will be changd,still CTD!!!.BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I got VERY smooth game (like 25-30 fps)!with those sttinss: [Display]sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS"iTexMipMapSkip=1bFXAAEnabled=0fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=3072.0000fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=4096.0000fSpecularLODStartFade=0.0000fLightLODStartFade=0.0000fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=0.0000iShadowMapResolution=512fShadowBiasScale=0.5000iShadowMaskQuarter=4iBlurDeferredShadowMask=0fShadowDistance=0.0000iMaxDecalsPerFrame=0iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=0iAdapter=0iSize W=800iSize H=600iMultiSample=1iMaxAnisotropy=1iPresentInterval=0bFull Screen=1fInteriorShadowDistance=0.0000bFloatPointRenderTarget=1fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=0.0000fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=0.0000fGamma=1.0000iShadowFilter=3bShadowsOnGrass=1fDecalLOD2=1000.0000fDecalLOD1=500.0000fShadowLODStartFade=0.0000iTexMipMapMinimum=0bTransparencyMultisampling=0iWaterMultiSamples=0bDeferredShadows=1iShadowMode=3bTreesReceiveShadows=0bDrawLandShadows=0bDrawShadows=1fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000iScreenShotIndex=0bShadowMaskZPrepass=0bMainZPrepass=0[Grass]b30GrassVS=1fGrassStartFadeDistance=0.0000fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=400.0000[imagespace]iRadialBlurLevel=0bDoDepthOfField=1[LOD]fLODFadeOutMultActors=0.0000fLODFadeOutMultItems=0.0000fLODFadeOutMultObjects=0.0000fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1.0000[Decals]bDecals=0bSkinnedDecals=0uMaxDecals=0uMaxSkinDecals=0uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=0[TerrainManager]fTreeLoadDistance=12500.0000fBlockMaximumDistance=75000.0000fBlockLevel1Distance=25000.0000fBlockLevel0Distance=15000.0000fSplitDistanceMult=0.4000bShowLODInEditor=0[blurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=0[blurShader]bUseBlurShader=0[Launcher]bEnableFileSelection=1bShowAllResolutions=1uLastAspectRatio=2[Water]iWaterReflectHeight=128iWaterReflectWidth=128bUseWaterDisplacements=1bUseWaterRefractions=0bUseWaterReflections=1bUseWaterDepth=1[MAIN]fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=150000.0000bGamepadEnable=0bCrosshairEnabled=1fHUDOpacity=1.0000bSaveOnPause=0bSaveOnTravel=0bSaveOnWait=0bSaveOnRest=0[interface]fMouseCursorSpeed=1.0000bDialogueSubtitles=1bGeneralSubtitles=1bShowCompass=1[GamePlay]bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1bShowQuestMarkers=1iDifficulty=5[Controls]bUseKinect=0fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0200fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=1.9000bAlwaysRunByDefault=1bInvertYValues=0bGamePadRumble=1[Particles]iMaxDesired=150[saveGame]fAutosaveEveryXMins=60.0000[AudioMenu]fAudioMasterVolume=1.0000fVal7=1.0000uID7=0fVal6=1.0000uID6=0fVal5=1.0000uID5=0fVal4=1.0000uID4=0fVal3=0.5000uID3=466532fVal2=0.8000uID2=554685fVal1=0.8000uID1=1007612fVal0=1.0000uID0=94881[Clouds]fCloudLevel2Distance=262144.0000fCloudLevel1Distance=32768.0000fCloudLevel0Distance=16384.0000fCloudNearFadeDistance=9000.0000[General]iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0[Trees]bRenderSkinnedTrees=1uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=1 there must be something conect with this error (the psc)! that cuse CTD,because I cheeckd agine the log and the last line was the error!!!. Your Hopeless gamerShahar. Edited April 13, 2013 by shahr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted April 14, 2013 Share Posted April 14, 2013 Ok. Well the fps improvement is a good start.Can you verify for me, please that you did the complete clean reinstall from Steam?And that you are now playing completely vanilla, no mods, and still getting the crash? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shahr Posted April 14, 2013 Author Share Posted April 14, 2013 Ok. Well the fps improvement is a good start.Can you verify for me, please that you did the complete clean reinstall from Steam?And that you are now playing completely vanilla, no mods, and still getting the crash?I told you I did super duper clean.And Yes I trid to play with no mods (vanilla) and still CTD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted April 14, 2013 Share Posted April 14, 2013 OK, thanks.Although I still suspect the script error is coincidental, I would like to take a look again at the circumstances of the crash.Could you please tell me: is the crash now related at all to any place, activity (like pulling up a menu, combat, etc), or a certain time after playing?Can you please take a look at your CPU usage (RAM, no VRAM)--you can find this in the performance tab in your task manager. Can you tell me how much cpu you are using during the game, and after the crash? Also, are there any spikes that occur at the time of the crash? (Post a screenshot, if it is easier)Can you go into your Windows logs (probably control panel/administratove tools/event logs/--loog act all the logs and check to see if you have any errors in the application, security or windows logs.)Are you still freezing before the crash or is it a sudden CTD?Finally, please post again the last 40 or so lines of your papyrus log. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shahr Posted April 14, 2013 Author Share Posted April 14, 2013 (edited) OK, thanks.Although I still suspect the script error is coincidental, I would like to take a look again at the circumstances of the crash.Could you please tell me: is the crash now related at all to any place, activity (like pulling up a menu, combat, etc), or a certain time after playing?Can you please take a look at your CPU usage (RAM, no VRAM)--you can find this in the performance tab in your task manager. Can you tell me how much cpu you are using during the game, and after the crash? Also, are there any spikes that occur at the time of the crash? (Post a screenshot, if it is easier)Can you go into your Windows logs (probably control panel/administratove tools/event logs/--loog act all the logs and check to see if you have any errors in the application, security or windows logs.)Are you still freezing before the crash or is it a sudden CTD?Finally, please post again the last 40 or so lines of your papyrus log.well,my usage cpu is 5%-37%(max),and the ram is 1.26gb.And about the ctd,he first freeze for sec and then crash!,and it happen anyware! (indoor,outdoor etc.). and if it help,here the papyrus log: (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:08PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:08PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:08PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:08PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:09PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Object reference has no 3Dstack:[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "" Line ?[ (020182AF)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "" Line ?[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:10PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:11PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Object reference has no 3Dstack:[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "" Line ?[ (02004FE1)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "" Line ?[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Object reference has no 3Dstack:[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "" Line ?[ (0200F0DB)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "" Line ?[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:12PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Object reference has no 3Dstack:[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "" Line ?[ (020134BA)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "" Line ?[04/14/2013 - 11:15:13PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:14PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:14PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:14PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:14PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:14PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:14PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:14PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:15PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:15PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:15PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:15PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:15PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:15PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310[04/14/2013 - 11:15:15PM] error: Cannot request LOS to a None objectstack:[ (00000014)].Actor.HasLOS() - "" Line ?[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.isLooking() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 135[ (000709F6)].WordWallTriggerScript.OnUpdate() - "WordWallTriggerScript.psc" Line 310 Still I very happy about your help!,you so wonderful! :happy: Your Hopeless gamerShahar. :cool: Edited April 14, 2013 by shahr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted April 14, 2013 Share Posted April 14, 2013 What about the logs in your admin tools section? errors at all? warnings?The 1.2 is your RAM in game, or before/after the game? Because if it is what you have before/after the game, that would be the problem.This is with no mods, dlcs, nothing but the vanilla game? (if not, please revert to this.) The script that is showing up is (as I understand it) simply something that is triggered from being in a certain proximity to a word wall. As I understand it, these will in fact continually re-trigger as long as you are in the trigger zone.The other error is also probably innocuous--it is looking at your line of sight. If your crash is due to your VRAM or RAM being overpowered, there would not be a message in papyrus. The freeze may be that your game is trying to create more space in the page files, may be trying to clear out VRAM.If you are using 1.2 G before you start the game, please tell me. We need to look at how to open up more space for you.If 1.2 G is your RAM dung gameplay, then I think we need to continue to try to open up more VRAM. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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