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Vortex creating cyclical rules


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Does that summarize it sufficiently? You didn't respond to my first incredulous query, as if I also wasn't worth the time, so I restated the question more directly. You still haven't explained how file conflict detection in Vortex is dependent upon load order. Tannin didn't respond to it, either.


Is this a well-you-know-what-I-meant moment?



There was no malicious intend behind me not replying to that, it's just that it's off topic and I'm not a fan of two discussions happening at the same time in one thread.

So I'll make it short: There is no connection between file conflicts (mods overwriting each others files based on their deployment order) and plugin conflicts (plugins overwriting each others records based on their load order). They are conceptually very similar things but on independent data, like a flight schedule vs the bus schedule.

And in the same way: if someone asks for help planning their flight and the person trying to help thinks they are asking when the next bus is scheduled, incorrect information may really ruin the persons day so it's really important to understand what the question is actually about and then keep it on-topic.

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don't take this the wrong way, but can you not bicker in a thread where someone obviously has an issue with vortex?

all you are doing is making the thread just that much more difficult to follow.

concentrate on helping the OP in their thread. everything else can go in the bin. thanks.

Unless I'm mistaken in my own understanding of Vortex, giving the person asking for help misinformation is very much relevant. It would have been resolved so much more elegantly if I hadn't been ignored, including by you just now. Was what HadToRegister told him in my first quoted reply of his above fully correct? I don't think it was.

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Guest deleted34304850

Good lord. I do tend to try and ignore 'noise' and lately your later posts have been full of it. I've asked you nicely to stick to the topic at hand, it seems that you don't want to, so now I'll just add you to my ignore list and do it that way. Thanks for playing. Good luck.

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