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Final Fantasy-ish Firearms


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Now, I know we already have the Flintlock Pistol mod, which I've heard is awesome (I've never tried it) but I'm trying to mod my Skyrim into a semi-futuristic, Final-Fantasy-esque game. And I've got Gunblades, sexy armors and all that stuff, but what I'm missing is a pistol. Could someone see about re-skinning the Flintlock Pistol mod and maybe even making other weapons to go with it (Loshirai's SkyRe Assault Rifles mod would be perfect for that, if Losh agrees). If someone does this, I would consider them amazing, so thanks in advance!

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Now, I know we already have the Flintlock Pistol mod, which I've heard is awesome (I've never tried it) but I'm trying to mod my Skyrim into a semi-futuristic, Final-Fantasy-esque game. And I've got Gunblades, sexy armors and all that stuff, but what I'm missing is a pistol. Could someone see about re-skinning the Flintlock Pistol mod and maybe even making other weapons to go with it (Loshirai's SkyRe Assault Rifles mod would be perfect for that, if Losh agrees). If someone does this, I would consider them amazing, so thanks in advance!

Gunblades? How would that work; are they two handed weapons where hitting the RMB pulls the trigger?


Anyways, where's a whole plethora of Final Fantasy firearms, including a bunch of bazooka-type weapons that fire a bomb of magic, though a primary action used with them was "Prime" to even attack with it in the first place. It would be a handy modification to them as Two-handed weapons to have to hold until it's primed and then release to finish priming, click-holding a second time to actually aim. Anybody who's played Minecraft with mods might be familiar with Balkon's Weapons, which has a musket that does that.

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Actually, Gunblades are just like normal swords that have an explosion effect when they hit something. I've played MC with mods, never heard of Balkon's Weapons though. And these bazooka weapons, do you mean they're already made as Skyrim mods?

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