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Cheat room


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Anyone know what happened to it or if it's coming back? Or if there's an alternative? For my 18,000th play through, I just want to 'God mode', get all of my perks, etc set and have all of the crafting supplies I need without having to use console commands.


Any suggestions are appreciated.


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(EDIT: found out that window wasn't even important. I really hate the way these other sites work. At least if I were able to see what was on the other side I could find out it wasn't important on my own) Leveler's Tower sounds fun and I think I might wanna install, but I am wondering if there's a mod available on the nexus that allows you to have easy access to every crafting item/ingredient like Cheat Room does. The only issue I have with the link to the zip file in this thread is that this computer is owned by my parents and has one of those content locks for children which is triggered by the window that opens when I try to download the file. I can get my dad to come up here and enter the PIN to allow it to finish downloading it but it's inconvenient and he has to go up 1-2 flights of stairs to do it. (don't ask me why I have to deal with a child content filter as an adult, my only guess is that they don't trust me?)

Edited by KymaraDSS
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