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d3d9Ex download?


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I am still getting quite a bit of stutter with NVTF and noticed that d3d9Ex was recommended for one who plays full screen all the time, which would be me. I thought this might help so I googled it so I could download it. I found plenty of explanations of what it does but nowhere to download it.


I would appreciate a link to a download site, if there is such a thing. I could not find it on enbdev where I thought it would be, maybe I am just not looking in the right place.

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As I read the MSDN explanation, d3d9Ex is an API call instruction which is related to GPU Particle Physics and incorporated within the standard DX9 driver. This means it has to be implemented in the application code and there is nothing else to download. It's primary purpose is to reduce the amount of memory used by the graphics system. (Apparently the game "Global Offensive: Counter Strike (GO:CS)" has a command line parameter that can be used to enable the feature, but it is specific to that game.)


"New Vegas Tick Fix (NVTF)" has a number of DirectX INI settings (starting with "bModifyDirectXBehavior") which enables this call, but it is incompatible with ENBoost. Boris flat out states in that link that he will not support d3d9Ex in ENB for that reason.


The API requires "windowed" mode to function, which means you want to use a "borderless window" implementation such as OneTweak to get that "fullscreen" appearance. As documented in that INI file, do not try to implement these settings if you do not understand how they relate to each other. Read the entire INI file to understand what setting is related to what else.



Edited by dubiousintent
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I did not realize that it required a "windowed " mode to function, I thought it just meant you played in full screen. I am still confused about d3d9Ex. Do you mean that d3d9Ex is incorporated in the standard d3d9.dll. If so you need d3d9.dll installed in the FNV directory would you not? Then NVTF just uses that API call instruction to query d3d9.dll?


I guess what I am asking is; what do you need, if anything, installed for d3d9Ex to function?


Thank you for your patience with a confused player.






I can be very slow at times....well, a lot of times.


I believe I understand now. You were referring to Windows Direct X which is installed in the system. So NVTF queries Windows Direct X and you do not need to install anything as when you launch any game originally it automatically downloads the version of Direct X which is necessary for that game to function.


Please tell me if I am wrong.

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Where did you see a recommendation to use D3D9Ex?


You should not have to download anything since D3D9.dll should already be installed as part of Windows/System 32 in Windows Vista/7. I can't vouch for anything beyond W7.


Also, unless you trust a website 100% and have complete 100% faith in the site, you should never, ever, download a .dll from the internet.

Edited by M48A5
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I did not realize that it required a "windowed " mode to function, I thought it just meant you played in full screen. I am still confused about d3d9Ex. Do you mean that d3d9Ex is incorporated in the standard d3d9.dll. If so you need d3d9.dll installed in the FNV directory would you not? Then NVTF just uses that API call instruction to query d3d9.dll?


I guess what I am asking is; what do you need, if anything, installed for d3d9Ex to function?


Thank you for your patience with a confused player.






I can be very slow at times....well, a lot of times.


I believe I understand now. You were referring to Windows Direct X which is installed in the system. So NVTF queries Windows Direct X and you do not need to install anything as when you launch any game originally it automatically downloads the version of Direct X which is necessary for that game to function.


Please tell me if I am wrong.

You can try to reinstall DirectX 9, just to see if that helps. :)

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Where did you see a recommendation to use D3D9Ex?


You should not have to download anything since D3D9.dll should already be installed as part of Windows/System 32 in Windows Vista/7. I can't vouch for anything beyond W7.


Also, unless you trust a website 100% and have complete 100% faith in the site, you should never, ever, download a .dll from the internet.


It was in the New Vegas Tick Fix ini file. It was the d3d9 that threw me. As leonardo2 said DirectX 9 which is installed automatically when you first install the game, is what NVTF was referring to; d3d9.dll is an entirely different thing and is installed when you install ENBoost or any other ENB it is necessary for those mods to function properly and is installed in the game directory. As I am not using an ENB d3d9.dll is not installed in my game directory.


As I have Win. 10 as my OS the latest version is DirectX 12 which I have. As I recall Win7 will not support any DirectX over 9.

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The FNV game was released in 2010 and is looking for a specific version of DirectX (d3d9_32.dll). (See "Issue - Vanilla game Hangs on startup" under the "Solutions to Starting the game problems" section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.) While later versions of DirectX may be compatible with earlier versions, the game itself doesn't know about them and is looking for that specific version. This version of the driver is installed as normally to Windows, which means it gets placed in the "C:\Windows" folder tree. Multiple versions of such drivers can coexist.


Some apps place an "intermediate/fake" file with the same name of the driver into a local game directory in order to intercept calls to that DirectX driver to process their own code before then passing it along to the actual driver. This is what ENB's "d3d9.dll" file does when placed in the FNV game folder. Such drivers are not replacements, but rather just a way to "hook" into the driver chain. Programs look to the "current directory" first for files before then searching the path given in the environmental "path=" variable. So only one local "intermediate" copy with the generic name of "d3d9.dll" can exist in the game folder. You should never place the Windows provided DirectX driver directly into the game folder, as it is both unnecessary and will prevent the system from accessing the correct one if it is looking for a different specific version.



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So what you are saying is that the dll is looking for the 32bit version of DirectX 9?


I took a look at where those files are located and there are a number of different d3d9 applications, from 24 to 43, from there dx 10 starts. They are located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 which is for the 32bit applications. The 64 bit applications are under System32 which seems bassackwards to me.


I did not realize that Direct X installed in separate d3dx applications.


This has been quite an educational thread for me.

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The "\Windows\System32" folder is a legacy folder name for drivers going back to prior to the advent of the 64-bit version of the OS. (As I recall: all the way back to the very beginning of the "Windows Operating System" but I haven't checked to verify my failing memory. Close enough however.) The "SysWOW64" folder was introduced with the 64-bit OS and stands for "System Windows On Windows 64" which is where the 32-bit drivers are now placed while the 64-bit versions now go into the legacy folder where programs have traditionally looked for them.


Just for clarification: DirectX drivers are developed and released by Microsoft. They make periodic update release versions of various libraries (such as .NET, and C++, etc.) available to software developers and end-users as "Runtime Libraries" which should be distributed by means of "system updates" or bundled by developers with their product to ensure compatibility. You should only install such driver versions directly from the software vendor or Microsoft as they are treats as "trusted" software and a malicious version will run as if a safe part of OS.


And you are welcome. Educating players is one of my goals with these lengthy replies. The more you know, the less I have to work to help you out.


-Dubious- (Trying to work myself out of a job ever since I started "working".)

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