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"if PlayerRef.IsRunning()" and workbenches


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Can't wrap my head around this.

I made a script that drains AP when the player is running


"if PlayerRef.IsRunning"



The odd thing I discovered is that this also applies while using any workbench. Any good ideas to filter this event out?

Edit: Appearantly it also applies to sitting and I guess Furniture use in general

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Try using If PlayerRef.IsRunning() && PlayerRef.GetSitState() == 0 (not sitting). I'm pretty sure GetSitState will return 3, or something else, while using any furniture, including workbenches. I could be wrong though. If that doesn't work, you could use RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent_-_ScriptObject


And OnMenuOpenCloseEvent : https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnMenuOpenCloseEvent_-_ScriptObject


with a bool to detect when the menu opens and closes.

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