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Whats wrong with this script?


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Scriptname TEST extends ObjectReference

Actor Property PC Auto
Armor Property Armor1 Auto
Potion Property Potion1  Auto 
Sound Property Sound1 Auto

GlobalVariable Property Count1 Auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
    If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer())

Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
    If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer())

Function Function1(Actor akActor)
	ActorBase Wearer = akActor.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase
	Int CountVal = Count1.GetValue() as Int  					;reads global Count1 from game?
	if (akActor.isEquipped(Armor1))							;checks if armor equipped then plays sound
		int instanceID = Sound1.Play(akActor)						
		while (akActor.isEquipped(Armor1)) && (CountVal > 3)			;checks if global count > 3
			akActor.AddItem(Potion1, 1)								
			CountVal = CountVal - 1						;decreases count by one
			Count1.setValue(CountVal)					;sets changed count as global IN GAME count


Count1 global value is set by another script and in CK as global so its hold by game.


Its supposed to play sound (all the time) while equipping armor as well as spawning items/potions (till count >3)


Its compiling fine, but in game it goes till TEST3 debug message (showing correctly the number from other script), then its stuck.


Thanks in adavance!

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Script is attached to the armor object, I'm assuming.


You've double-checked the value of the Armor1 Property? Tried a clean save? (Changes to Properties can behave strangely in a savegame where that script already exists, already with that Property.)


The only thing that really stands out to me is that your while loop depends on both the armor being equipped and CountVal already being greater than 3. Maybe try: Debug.Notification("TEST3. CountVal is: " + CountVal)

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Script is attached to the armor object, I'm assuming.





The only thing that really stands out to me is that your while loop

depends on both the armor being equipped and CountVal already being

greater than 3.


I wanted sound to play when armor is equipped even if CountVal doesnt match. And play sound + 2nd effect while both are TRUE.



Maybe try: Debug.Notification("TEST3. CountVal is: " +



Tried this, and it shows correct CountVal from other script/game.


Any other ideas what could be wrong?

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I've passed around Actors (and every other kind of type) between functions without problems. The only time you do have to be careful is with an ObjectReference changing containers, since the reference ceases to exist when it goes into a(nother) container - meaning OnContainerChanged can only really make use of its 'self' when dropping items.


z, I'm kinda stumped, but I think you're on the right track with the Debug "breakpoints", and I'd suggest adding two more: a TEST4 just inside the IsEquipped block, and a TEST5 just inside the While block. One of those has got to be the culprit, but which?

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