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Getting 2 MB/s Download rate (Is a Premium member)


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My download speed is currently being capped on Vortex at 2 MB/s which is ridiculous considering I have a lifetime premium membership.


There should be NO CAP at all. It's taking ages to download the mods I want to use right now.


Attached is a screen cap proving that my premium membership is fact. I am annoyed. Very annoyed. My internet is not slow either. I have half a gig internet speed, 500 MB/s download rate. And my PC is connected VIA Ethernet chord, not WiFi. I'm being throttled and would like to not be. I'm aware that 2 MB/s is where most free users are stuck getting download speeds, as incentive to get premium or at the very least remove ads. I am NOT a free member. I have every right to be upset by this.


Please fix this issue. Thank you very much.


Wasn't sure where a topic like this fell into, so this section seems safest to bring this up.

Well, anyhow, have any other premium members out there been running into this problem? Or had this issue in the past? And how did the issue get resolved?


Apologies if I seem like a jerk here, but when you haven't eaten for 4 days straight. You get a little grumpy.

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