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Companion Making Trouble.


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Im trying to make a companion with dialogue, and I have tried using the advanced companion guide and followed it perfectly i think but my result scripts say there are no variables and I have no idea about scripting for this part. I was using 001Hope everywhere i saw *** if it matters. any help would be appreciated.


I would also like to make a simpel quest to get her. In which you buy a key from Doc Mitchell freeing her, or killing Doc Mitchell. I also want the responses to change based on whether you killed him or bought the key.


If i get these questions answered i might upload the mod, and share it with everyone.

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That guide is pretty good; as Dizzaster said, the flaw is that you're beginning your EditorIDs with a numeric char. The second rule of modding is: 'Never begin an EditorID with a numeric character!'


The reason is, when the script compiler sees an editorID that begins with a numeric char, it treats the whole thing as a Form/Ref ID (Those 4-byte numbers that you use in game), and thus things break.

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You're not an idiot; the numeric character thing is a bug/feature that isn't very well documented at all. It would be nice if there were a big warning on the front page of the GECK documentation or something.
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