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How to change the "base" carry weight of the player character?

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Fair enough.


Concerning your question then - did you not want to modify the player record and set the carryweight on it to (say) 90?

This would overide the 200 base value. I don't think you can change the strength*10 addition the game then does though.

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I've actually dabbled in this matter because I wanted to create my own mod that increases carry weight as your character leveled up. Simply put, carry weight is a derived value that is calculated but there's a way to do it without scripting.


The simplest way to do this without scripting, is to edit "fAVDCarryWeightBase" in the CK menus -> gameplay -> settings. This is a global setting but it will not work on survival because it adds a magic effect that reduces your carry weight by 125. If you'd like it to also work on survival, you will have to do it through scripting. Also, I'd like to note that player.SetValue() has never worked for me.


Create a quest that runs on game startup and attach this script to it.

Scriptname YourScript extends Quest

ActorValue Property pCarryWeight Auto Const Mandatory
Actor Property pPlayerRef Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnInit()

; fAVD is a game global setting and some mods adjust this, so we read it to ensure compatability
float baseCarryWeight = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fAVDCarryWeightBase")
If (Game.GetDifficulty() == 6)
    ; Take into account survival mode
    baseCarryWeight = baseCarryWeight  - 125

; Set it to 100, should also work for negative values
float diffPoints = baseCarryWeight - 100
pPlayerRef.ModValue(pCarryWeight, -diffPoints)


Fair enough.


Concerning your question then - did you not want to modify the player record and set the carryweight on it to (say) 90?

This would overide the 200 base value. I don't think you can change the strength*10 addition the game then does though.


You can change it, the setting is called "fAVDCarryWeightMult".

Edited by NoCashNoExp
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Very informative!

I had just assumed base carryweight was from the 'default' race record (that has it set to 200) - trust Bethesda to do it the hard way (a setting)!

I suppose then there is a (hidden) ini setting for the Strength multiplier too?


And the problem with using a script is the many mods that alter the "HC_ReduceCarryWeightAbility" spell conditions - so you can be in Survival and NOT get -125 CW.

And you can't just check for the MagicEffect being active either (game.getplayer().hasmagiceffect(HC_ReduceCarryWeight)) as this returns true even if the ME is 'inactive' due to the above conditions stopping it.

(A known annoyance of hasmagiceffect)


This is the reason I am asking in the first place - I wanted to modify the above spell/ME so it modified the base CW (a much more mod friendly way of doing it).

Thank you Bethesda for being so difficult - again...

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And the problem with using a script is the many mods that alter the "HC_ReduceCarryWeightAbility" spell conditions - so you can be in Survival and NOT get -125 CW.

And you can't just check for the MagicEffect being active either (game.getplayer().hasmagiceffect(HC_ReduceCarryWeight)) as this returns true even if the ME is 'inactive' due to the above conditions stopping it.

(A known annoyance of hasmagiceffect)


Unfortunately, if that's the case then you're trying to edit the base carryweight when a different mod already edits the base carryweight because the intended usage for this ME in vanilla Fallout 4 is to reduce carry weight in survival mode.

Edited by NoCashNoExp
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I understand that - but there are 2 ways of doing that in an active game.

Reduce the 'current' carryweight by 125 (ModAV) or reduce the Base as well (SetAV). Both have the desired result. Bethesda does the first method for Survival.

Note that Bethesda does the second method for other changes (such as SPECIAL increases in the Perk tree) so it 'could' have used the second method for survival.

The reason I say the second is more mod-friendly is if you want to see the AV buffs from Clothing (in script) then it is usually Current - Base.

Works fine except for Survival which also acts like a clothing buff so completely swamps any 'real' clothing buffs for CW.

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