YouDoNotKnowMyName Posted November 3, 2020 Share Posted November 3, 2020 Good evening everybody! I am currently thinking about making a "carry weight overhaul" mod. For that I need to know what the biggest and smalles values of "carry weight" are that can get displayed / processed by the game. The smallest is probably 0,1 CarryWeightUnits. But what is the biggest number? The reason why I am asking this is because I want to change the CW values of all objects so that 1 CarryWeightUnit is about 1g.That would allow for having really light objects (like screws, cloth, ammo, ...) and still have the values displayed. (The pipboy does not display values under 1).Of course most things like weapons or those "sacks of cement" would have insanely huge CarryWeight Values (40 kg would be 40000 CarryWeightUnits).So, if anybody knows the maximum display-able CW values, let me know here ... I know that a mod like that would require patches for every mod that adds any items, but I am just doing this for myself, so don't worry about it ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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