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Interaction - or lack thereof


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Apologies if this is mega simple but I can't find it anywhere online!

I've made my NPC chicken, I've added dialogue but I can't get it to interact with me! No "press e to speak" comes up.


I then made the NPC chicken into a conjurable creature which works. It conjures, it fights, it sods off or, if attacked, it dies & turns into the ghostly remains.


I've given it things in the inventory but no matter what I do, when I press e to "search ghostly remains" nothing happens!!

What am I missing, I've been on this one point for 2 days & it's driving me mad!!


Note: I have no idea what scripts really are or how to add a custom one or which one to select if I need one, I am a complete beginner & need an answer in the simplest possible terms!



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You cannot interact with the actor because its 'Race' won't allow it, in order to be able to "E" talk to the actor you need to create a new race and assign that race to your actor, in the new created race check / click the "Allow PC talk" (or something like that, i don't remember the exact name righ now).

In order to be able to access the actor's inventory, if the actor is not a follower, you need to add a scripted function (papyrus fragment) to the end of the corresponding dialogue. ( In your dialogue line that says: "show me your inventory" ).

* Don't get frustrated and mad so easily, as you said you are a beginner, and there is a looooong way ahead to be in a position to be able to handle / conquer all of CK's features internals + externals, by losing control you won't achieve anything !, only by researching and studying hard you can get to your goal !, unfortunately there is no other way...

Have a happy mdding.

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