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Reneer´s guard overhaul


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I have a wierd problem with RGO, when choosing the option to bribe the guard it takes money from me, and that is when i even hasnt done anything unlawfull, when continiue to click again to bribe it still takes money, it does so untill i have no more money left.

I have no bounty on my head, when asking thiefs guild to pay for my bounty they cant since i dont have any bounty on my head.

also on a another note, i cant get blessings in church or shrines, it says that i must repent my evil ways, i have 1 fame and 5 infame, mayby it hasnt to do with RGO ?


also when testing without the mod i didnt have any bounty on me and i still couldnt get blessed.



I still have the problem of being fined by the guards, reseting dosent help.


Edited by eldav
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