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Why is the "void" in a interior cell not black anymore?

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Woah ...

That "glitch" looks bad ...


I have never gotten that before ...

(But I have never built anything at Bunker Hill, so ...)


Well. if "object fade" is set to 0, it does not render "objects" that are far away.

I have that set to about "half", I don't need to see every NukaCola bottle halfway across the town, but I don't like it when objects "pop into view" ...

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Wow, I haven't seen that here before. In the past several months, I had pre-combine and pre-vis turned off in the North End area (the other side of Charles from Bunker Hill), but so far things are looking normal in my game (aside from low FPS). I just checked, and I have Object Fade at max setting. I have a Radeon RX580 8GB.


It might as well be another engine bug, lol, I don't know. :teehee:

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It's highly dependent on viewing angle, as you can see in the video. moving to a higher elevation (or lower) also makes it disappear and reappear.

If object fade is set to anything but the leftmost setting (0), the glitch reappears.

It can also be observed in large indoor cells that have precombs/previs disabled (with no roombounds/portals) and generally in cells that have lots of stuff in or further behind them. Lexington for example, looking towards the Corvega factory from inside the Mystic Pines retirement home (the entire area is a settlement in my game).


I suspect it's some calculation that overflows, or goes beyond a certain limit, so the rendering code starts s***ing itself when drawing the textures. Strangely enough, only some of the objects on screen are affected tho - In Bunker Hill, the obelisk never smears. Downtown, the large white skyscraper (I forget the name) always smears when looking from the parking lot behind DC stadium.


It's really annoying, always having to fiddle with the object fade in the affected areas. I wish it could be automated (or even better, fixed).


1080TI here.

But I also had this on my old machine which had a Radeon HD 65XX. I was quite disappointed to find that the issue persists with the new hardware.

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Now that I think about it, I remember seeing that happening in RedRocketTV's video on pre-comb/pre-vis, where he shows a problematic mod without optimization (I think his example looked even worse than yours). I guess the cells in my project hadn't yet crossed the threshold where this problem would happen.

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Yeah, that other Vault mod, right?

The glitch was especially apparent on the vault door console, IIRC.


To fix this in an indoor cell (without adding precombs/precombines), one can set up roombounds and portals.

That doesn't work in outdoor cells tho.

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