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Random Crashes on Load Screens


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Oblivion sometimes crashes when I go through doors, or fast travel. I have mods installed(with OBMM)

Anyone know the cause, or how to fix this?


I'd say it happens maybe once in 6 hours....

I also Alt + Tab out of the game often..


EDIT: Here is my load order



UOPS Additional Changes.esp
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
USIPS Additional Changes.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp


Edited by Racr1425
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I would say that if you are only ctd once in six hours you are doing well given the moody nature of the oblivion engine. The more mods you add then the likelhood of crashing increases due to bad load order, incompatible mods etc.

The main reason you get crashes on going thru doors is usually video ram burst...to much data for the gpu to render at once especially with enhanced textures.

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I would say that if you are only ctd once in six hours you are doing well given the moody nature of the oblivion engine. The more mods you add then the likelhood of crashing increases due to bad load order, incompatible mods etc.

The main reason you get crashes on going thru doors is usually video ram burst...to much data for the gpu to render at once especially with enhanced textures.

Alright then. I can live with it, just didn't want it to get any worse ;)


Is there any chance crashes could be caused by scratches on the game disk(Because mine is scratched but still readable)? or is it just used for DRM?

(The disk wasn't damaged at all when I installed Oblivion)

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Your load list (if that's the complete list) is fairly light compared to many (no big overhauls or graphics enhancements). Still even considering that I agree with discovery1 that a crash once every six hours isn't bad. I don't use overhauls or graphics enhancers either (but I do have a lot of armor/clothes and house mods). I save every hour or hour and a half (never use quicksave and always save into a new slot ... don't overwrite a previous save) and then once every few hours I exit to the desktop and restart the game if I'm still going to play. Helps keep everything stable.


As you are playing along the game is keeping track of all the stuff you've done (dungeons you've been in, individual flowers you've picked, where you left that last dead body and what you're now carrying in your inventory after looting and picking pretty flowers ... etc, etc, etc). The longer you play without saving and exiting the game the more it needs to accumulate in active memory waiting for your next save and exit. When you do save and exit it can start with a fresh read of Oblivion.esm modified by the info in your loaded save (a save is really just like a mod ... a record of changes made to a master file). Then it keeps track of your flower picking killing ways all over again.


- Edit - Providing your disk can be read and the game starts it's OK.

Edited by Striker879
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Your load list (if that's the complete list) is fairly light compared to many (no big overhauls or graphics enhancements). Still even considering that I agree with discovery1 that a crash once every six hours isn't bad. I don't use overhauls or graphics enhancers either (but I do have a lot of armor/clothes and house mods). I save every hour or hour and a half (never use quicksave and always save into a new slot ... don't overwrite a previous save) and then once every few hours I exit to the desktop and restart the game if I'm still going to play. Helps keep everything stable.


As you are playing along the game is keeping track of all the stuff you've done (dungeons you've been in, individual flowers you've picked, where you left that last dead body and what you're now carrying in your inventory after looting and picking pretty flowers ... etc, etc, etc). The longer you play without saving and exiting the game the more it needs to accumulate in active memory waiting for your next save and exit. When you do save and exit it can start with a fresh read of Oblivion.esm modified by the info in your loaded save (a save is really just like a mod ... a record of changes made to a master file). Then it keeps track of your flower picking killing ways all over again.


- Edit - Providing your disk can be read and the game starts it's OK.

Alright, thanks for the info.

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Crashes are the games way of telling you it's past time you took a break. :whistling:


6 hours is pretty good for Oblivion. All Gambryo game engine games have a ram leak where the game does not properly release ram to be reused as well as it should. Eventually, so much ram is used up it just runs out and crashes. Usually when either fast traveling going through a door or on loading screens. ( the change in scenery needs more ram temporarily) The more mods you have the quicker this can happen. You shouldn't spend that much time in front of a computer without a break anyway.


Stop every so often and take a short break - make a save, exit the game. Get up and walk around - do something else for a few minutes. Then restart the game and pick it up from that save. :thumbsup:

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