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Is there a way to move Shaun to the (vanilla) home plate?


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So that I can get rid of him and ignore him for the rest of the game.

Afaik there are some mods that change the home plate's look and allow settlers to move there, I'd want to do that without modifying the style. "Companions go Home" seems to work fine, with the issue that it only works with, well, companions. I tried "Home Plate Workshop Settlement" but the option to move there doesn't show up in the move menu, plus according to the comments the mod causes a series of side issues (like random attacks to Diamond City). I also tried to move him with console commands but, as expected, he tries to move back to Red Rocket, where I placed him before.

Any idea? Would it be possible to set his "default home cell" through the CK like with companions/NPCs?

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