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Show Damage Dealt to enemies/allies/self.


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It would help if it was possible to see how much damage you deal to enemies when you attack them and vise versa to yourself just to see how strong you are.


Here's and example of it in Final Fantasy XIII.



I made some crude photoshop pictures to show what it would look like.






Anyone interested in making a mod like this?

Edited by TehAcE24
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-1 ... this is too much egoshooter for my taste and basically, thats what you got the red-enemy-health-bar for.

Haha, yup. I wouldn't use this mod for the same reason. If I want to know how much health there is left I just look at the health bar. This would be useful in a game without a health bar, but pointless in a game with one.


But don't let me discourage you. It's a fine idea, it's just not the type of mod I would use.

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