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pickpocket reset


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im looking for a mod that would reset the pickpocket inventory on npcs after a while. I think guard inventory reset (or they are different guard) and some quest npc's inventory will reset as you move along the quest, but that never happen to npcs in cites. so can it be done? and btw I did look for a mod like that but couldn't find any so if it does exist im sry for the useless topic. :P

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Skyrim's shopkeepers reset their gold every 48 ingame hours, but I don't know if inventories are reset. Reanimating an NPC should reset their inventory, though. It's apparently something that's been in TES coding since the begining: An NPC brought back to life is considered a "new" NPC, even through use of Reanimate.


A quick solution without reanimate is to use the console to enter the command "recycleactor" after clicking on them. Recycling the actor will reset them, including giving them full HP.


PS: Having a mod that forces a Recycle through use of a spell or something, while technically being a cheat, would be very useful. It's no fun to constantly open the console.

Edited by Strokend
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well it would be better if we had a mod that does it automatically without you having to do anything, I mean ppl buy stuff right ;).


btw i read somewhere that pickpocket loot and inventory (equipment and such) loot are two different things so for example a person's sword will respawn but not his garnet ring, tough I might be wrong on that.

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I tried recycleactor and I ended up with a naked npc XD do they ever re-equip their clothes/armor?

That's... Odd. Did you try a quicksave-reload? Maybe you need to induce a reequipping for them somehow, but I don't know how you'd go about doing that.


It's possible that recycling them costs them their script.

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Maybe i need to reload the cell? ii got deadly dragon which allow you to choose at which time cell reset (default every 240 hours) il try reloading it and see if they re-equip their stuff.


And i guess no one is willing to make a mod for pickpocket like me who basically stole every last jewel on ppl XD at least i learned about recycling actors thx.

Edited by omnipus3
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