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PSA: Finding code in Papyrus scripts


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I spend a lot of time trying to find code in papryrus scripts.


How a papyrus function is used in context in the base game, which script is setting ShaunChild to Ghost, where is COMCuriePlayerKnowsDoctorAmari set, which of my (over 1000) scripts uses "Event OnEnterBleedout" & many, many more.


Since google stopped indexing creationkit.com and Windows search does not include embedded strings or string fragments, my solution in a simple dos/windows batchfile. Enjoy !



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Fallout4 script search string: COMCuriePlayerKnowsDoctorAmari
ase game or ser scripts: b
Output to creen or [F]ile: s
Fragments\Quests\QF_COMCurieQuest_0016454E.psc:313:GlobalVariable Property PCOMCuriePlayerKnowsDoctorAmari Auto Const
Press any key to continue . . .


Of course you need to set the source paths to your system.

The #1 frustration for which there is no automated solution are scripts which use properties with totally different variable names to the actual form/object they are linked to. GRRRR especially in TopicInfo fragments.
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For those who dont know what PSA in the title means = Public Service Announcement

I just googled it because question and the #1 result is, errrr ... Prostate-specific antigen


For the avoindace of doubt, my batchfile is for Papyrus issues NOT Prostates :nuke:

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