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Remove werewolf 'killcam' (Or mauls or whatever they called)


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Just plain remove them, make them unable to trigger, too often I find they lock me into a long animation while stuff kills me, I can't tell when its going to happen(so can't control when I see it) and I don't find them the least bit enjoyable to watch.


Is there any way to just simply remove all of the werewolf 'kills' or whatever, like you can block killcams for normal combat.


Thank you.

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I'm pretty sure 'REmove them' was pretty clear. to be honest ALL the killmoves in skyrim are absolutly retarded, and utterly pointless. Its just a moment for you to stare at the screen and go 'oooooh puuurrdyy' and adds nothing to the gameplay.



Thanks for the suggestion though.(Might try it at 0%)

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