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WorkshopQuest: StartGameEnabled or not


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I thought I knew the basics but when making your basic Workshop Quest should one "StartGameEnabled" or rather start the Quest via a trigger.


I'm trying to avoid filling the workshop list with unnecessary boni workshops added by my worldspace.


Or does the workshop only really get added when reaching Stage 20?

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Depends what method you are using to add your workshops.


If you use the standard WorkshopAddLocationsScript, then yes you can be start game enabled and WorkshopParentScript will wait until it has finished registering the primary base game workshops (WorkshopParent Quest stage 20) before procesing the WorkshopAddLocationsScript submitted workshops.


Once WorkshopParent stage 20 is complete you can do as you like.


I tend to test on WorkshopParent stage and then call ReinitializeLocationsPUBLIC direct. Plus force update WorkshopScript.myMapMarker direct as the quest conditional fill that tries to find it is rubbish and finds/links the wrong marker a lot. Just like Hangmans Alley which points to FlagonTunnel.


Note that with ALT/Fast start bypasses, heaps of mods and/or CC content the player can already be in Sanctuary trying to take ownershiop of the workshop before WorkshopParent manages to complete stage 20 base registrations. So you MUST test for that condition if hand rolling.


Adding workshops mid game is not a problem. Removing registered workshops at any time breaks the script arrays.

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