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Far Cry

how to steer cars


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im going to post this in the PC gaming forum too, just because there seems to be more traffic there but heres my dilema


i have reconfigured my controls a little bit, i move with the QWES keys, and A and D are remapped to whatever Q and E were, D in particular is Interact.


i just just started played, maybe 45 minutes in or so, and when i get into a car, W and S work as they should, but Q and E do not steer the car at all. A does not steer the car, and D just makes me exit the car. the intructions say A/D to steer and D to exit. which makes no sence. so atm i cannot steer a car, and its extremely frustrating.


anyone know what button im supposed to use to steer since i remapped WASD?

Edited by hoofhearted4
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