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Crash near jury street metro station


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I am 40 hours into a modded Fallout 3 play though. I've had some crashes here and there but nothing I haven't been able to solve, get around or that happened more then once. However I am getting a crash once I get near jury street metro entrance. Its a hard crash and nothing seems to stop it. It crashes in full screen, windowed, lower settings etc.


I've spent at least 10 hours googling this problem. It doesn't seem to be a problem area as I can find nothing related to jury street metro station. Windows event viewer just shows a generic memory error and is no help. The rest of the game seems to be fine and I currently just ignoring the area near jury street metro station.


However I figured there was no harm is posting the problem to see if anyone had any ideas, as I am at a loss on this one. I do backup my saves from time and time and it doesn't matter if its a save 5 hours into the game, or my most recent 40 hour save, it still crashes in the area. Its been there from the start I would assume, I just haven't had reason to go there until now.


I do use the multicore fix and have the 4gb memory flag on the fallout.exe

Edited by Valen010
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Try to disable your mods one by one (or five by five or more if you have a huge load order) until you locate the one that makes you crash near that location, try disabling MMM first if you use it, report back when you found the culprit.

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