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Request Small Cart


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Greetings to all.


I was wondering if it's possible for someone to make the small carts seen around Skyrim to be movable. Meaning to be able to move them around as we do with items by pressing "Z" or to make a cart that can be placed in the inventory and dropped as any other item. The reason I'm asking this, is because I'm making a huge picture-story (When finished will be uploaded at Nexus) and I need it for my current chapter.

A small spoiler - teaser can be seen here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/210256 OR! Does anyone know if there is a way to move them around or make them appear in desired location?


Thank you in advance.

Friendly Regards

Nightskia // Alex


Here is a pic of a small cart.



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  • 4 months later...

This was requested at the beginning of the year - I chatted through PM with the OP and he/she got it sorted with the console code I posted here. But if you want to make that, I'm sure someone could put it to good use :)

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