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Some advice, please


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Hello everyone.


As a lifelong RPG fan who particularly enjoys anything post-apocalyptic, I was once a big Fallout 3 fan. I played FO3 and FOV when they first came out and again later whenever waiting for new titles to launch. But eventually, I just got sick of it. I still love the concept, but I grew disgusted with all the bugs and glitches, with how abruptly FOV's story ends, with not being able to remove Clover's stupid slave collar, etc. I haven't played Fallout 3 or Vegas in over a year and a half.


For the past year or so, I've been busy playing and modding Skyrim. It's gradually becoming as amazing an experience as I would like. But I miss killing zombies and flirting with Clover. :biggrin:


I'm considering buying FO3 or FOV for the PC and modding it, but I don't know where to begin. So I have a couple questions:


What programs do I need to install mods or to make my own? Is it much different from modding for Skyrim?


I'm most interested in bug fixes, better character models and new quests. For my first time playing Fallout with mods, what would you recommend?

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There are a LOT of threads here dealing with the things you ask about.


In brief, GECK for mod creation (there are also Youtube tutorials on how to use it).


For installing mods, I use FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) and Fallout Mod Installer, but there are other alterntaives.

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You will need the G.E.C.K. as stated in an earlier post. You will also need some form of a mod manager (FOMM/NMM...i use both actually) You will also need to get a utility called FO3Edit, Archive Invalidation Invalidated!, Fallout Script Extender (FOSE), Fallout Stutter Remover, BOSS or Wyre Bash



as for mods, its all a matter of personal taste/opinion

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