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Calling "ActorBase" Property value in same script?


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So Im curious if its possible to read its information after it was definied earlier.


Firstly I do:

ActorBase Property BASE1  Auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

   ActorBase BASE1 = akTarget.GetActorBase()
(now im somehow supposed to save result as BASE1?)


Then I marked Actor with this "effect" I would like to be able to call it by name now.


Function Name()

String Name = BASE1.GetActorBase().GetName()



or .GetRace() or even more advanced things like:


NetImmerse.GetNodeScale(Actor name, NINODE_NAME,true)


Basically how can I store ActorBase in script to be able to read it later? Could someone explain? Im totally lost >.> and probably messed up everything again



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Can you explain to me what you're actually trying to do here?


In your first code snippet, you don't need to type BASE1 as an actorbase again after you've already set the type when ou declared it as a property

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Then how would you do it? I'm really new to scripting


ActorBase Property BASE1  Auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
(I want to read akTarget's "ActorBase" and save it as BASE1 property value)


Then I would like my whole script to work on that saved ActorBase BASE1 value.


As I mentioned above, for example in other functions I would like to use that stored BASE1 value instead of default "akActor":




instead of:




How would you do it?

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